Vegan Prince Warrior King | An excerpt from the last chapter of my eBook


“Let your actions be guided by love, not fear” – The Warrior King.

Throughout the years, I’ve seen many friends, family, and colleagues valiantly take up the cause of Veganism and become passionate advocates for animal rights. However, the vast majority eventually fall back into their old habits, lose their passion, and discipline, and the myriad of excuses ensue, such as:

I was getting tired.
I don’t like carbs and it was making me fat.
My doctor told me I had to eat meat.
Killing one animal can feed an entire family so it’s more ethical.
The truth is, the majority of people that start this journey miss the mark because they have not adopted the mindset of a warrior. A warrior realizes that first and foremost, the journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step. Every goal has a beginning, and the important thing is making the effort, even if there are falls and setbacks along the way. Warriors adopt the mindset of continually moving forward, making better choices, and setting worthier goals.

Here are some practical tips to adopt the warrior mindset:

Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you stay focused, calm, and centered. Take some time every day to sit in stillness, focus on your breath, and observe your thoughts without judgment.

Self-reflection: Regularly reflect on your progress, goals, and values. Ask yourself what you can do to improve and be a better advocate for animal rights. Write down your thoughts and ideas in a journal.

Engage in activities: Engage in activities that strengthen your resolve and commitment to Veganism. Attend peaceful protests, volunteer at animal shelters, or organize educational events to spread awareness.

The second realization is the awareness that despite there being a goal to your efforts, it may not come today or in your lifetime. It is inevitable that humanity will eventually evolve to a more conscious way of being, and I believe in the future, we will look back on Carnism in the same way we looked at slavery. That being said, people that become too fixated on the goal and don’t see enough progress from others or themselves eventually become disillusioned. In these moments, remember that the destination is the journey. The arc of the moral universe is long and spirals with inevitable tribulations, but it always bends towards justice. There is a centropic force within the universe that propels all life towards this inevitable growth, and within this awareness brings Amaya. A state of surrendering towards a higher authority relinquishing the fears and stress that comes from being in a state of outcome-based thinking.

The third realization is to learn to embrace the challenge. To see the pitfalls, the frustrating arguments, not as shortcomings in one's ability to deal with the difficulty of being an advocate for peace and all earthlings, but as an opportunity. Shift the frame of every challenge to an opportunity to see how you can improve your approach, fine-tune your reactions, and maintain your inner peace. There is no failure or success, but only an opportunity for growth and setting new goals.

“The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a
warrior takes everything as a challenge while an ordinary man takes everything as a
blessing or a curse.” ― Carlos Castaneda

One of the most challenging aspects of being a warrior is learning to maintain our passion while keeping our inner peace, especially when we encounter people who perpetuate the very things we are fighting against. It is easy to see people with different beliefs and attitudes as enemies or lacking compassion. However, a shift in perspective can be helpful. Most people are not completely devoid of compassion but have narrowed their focus to a select group of friends, family, or humans. It is like a dam with closed gates separating chambers, as people expand their love outside their inner circle, the floodgates open and the water flows to other surrounding chambers. As warriors, our battle is not necessarily to find those who share our passion and love for all earthlings, but to illuminate the minds and hearts of those who have built walls and limitations around the love that already flows within them.

As Albert Einstein once said, "Our task must be to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." By doing this, we not only expand our capacity for compassion but also inspire others to do the same. Engaging in practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and participating in activities that connect us with nature can help us tap into the love and compassion that already exists within us. These practices can also help us cultivate the resilience and strength needed to face the challenges ahead as warriors fighting for a cause we believe in.

This book is not just for vegans or animal rights activists, but for anyone who has ever felt the call to make a difference in this world. With wisdom that is both ancient and modern, It is a reminder of our inherent power and the limitless potential of the human spirit.

If you are interested in purchasing the full ebook 'Vegan Prince, Warrior King', you can find it here:

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