The Adventures of PAILHEAD #2 - Mysterious Ways


Mysterious Ways

Greetings Steemians! This week I thought I would be writing about my experience using the Kozyrev Mirror. Not to be, instead most of the past week I experienced a high fever and headaches. During the fever I wasn't hungry so I just drank a lot of water. Since then I have just been eating fruit and drinking water. Now one week later my body feels great. I been wanting to do an all fruit diet for some time. I don't think I would have gotten on the path of eating better without the hard push that being ill gave me even though I long thought it was a necessary step towards my spiritual advancement. Sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways.

Videos with No Device

An odd thing occurred when I was alternating between fever and chills. When I closed my eyes I would see videos playing on a computer screen. I wasn't asleep and if I opened my eyes the videos would stop and I would just see my room. For about two days this occurred. I couldn't close my eyes with out seeing videos. Even for just a few seconds, if I closed my eyes the videos would play. Sometimes I would get confused because the videos seemed so real and I would forget if I had my eyes open or closed. I would have to open my eyes to check if I was really watching my computer, I wasn't. Another odd thing was that I could click the "mouse" and change videos, but I could never find one I was interested in. I think the message for me here may be don't watch so many videos on my computer. Also if I looked intently at someone in the video they would look back at me. It was quite curious.

After two days this phenomena disappeared. That was a relief!

I had read about some younger people that use their phones for long hours having lucid dreams that appear to be on a screen.

About the Pail

In the 1st episode of PAILHEAD I talked a little about Kozyrev's Mirrors of which my pail is a small homemade version. A person that I consider my first STEEMIT friend shared a video with me that explores the topic in depth, thanks @jiva34.

Here's that video. Watch it, it's a kick.

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