The Experience of Loving Yourself Back to Life: Messy & Beautiful


What is it to truly love yourself ?

Do you possess that characteristic of loving and appreciating the blend of experiences that your mind and body are creating by honouring the choices you make to feed, nourish and invest in your self ?
To truly love yourself, I believe this is done by creating experiences consciously.
Taking the time to check in with your inner potential and seeing if what you are living is what you want to create.
We all learn from our past. When we choose to become conscious, we see our experiences as having a purpose. We no longer push our awareness into the subconscious and live dictated by the outside world, feeling that the world owes us something. We choose to help ourselves meet our own needs in a healthy and balanced intention.

Everything you need to feel whole is already inside of you
This honours our living, breathing principle of attraction in which we are experiencing. This force of gravity that keeps our worlds moving around us.

As soon as it doesn't feel good anymore to be doing what we are in that moment, you can consciously choose to change it.

To make a choice and commit to it. Even if it is not the result that we were intending, that we can be willing to let go of our ego and let it be. In the world of addiction, this is the place of Let Go and Let God. Let it be what it is.

Raw & Truthful
Messy & Beautiful

One of my most important lessons in my awakened life has been to stop taking things personally. I let people be who they are and I see their choices as best for them. Becoming more of an observer and making my choices based on what my needs are, not based on what they think of me. Gaining back my loving autonomy has been liberating.

I can be with or without the things around me and still create my happiness.

We all learn from our mistakes. The blessing in the experience is what you choose to do with it from that point forward.
These choices are creating your character and personality, are you choosing with wisdom or pretense ?
Are you pretending to care or are you committed to being humble in the face of whatever the truth is, moving through with courage and honour ?


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I would like to dedicate this blog piece to my dear friend @onceuponatime who passed into spirit recently and who was the one who inspired me to start this blog on this beloved steemit platform. You will forever be missed @onceuponatime <3

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