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RE: RE: The Illusion of Legality
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RE: The Illusion of Legality

RE: The Illusion of Legality

fingers, that's a severe bipolar disorder, and using an extreme as a baseline is disingenuous, because surely you don't believe that anyone can just suddenly become desperate, or even determined....

Surely you can consider hypothetical situations that could make one desperate or determined.

Someone has to be at the top,and if no one is. Then surely someone will try to be there, serving hes own interests. And i think that would cause more harm then good.

You're saying someone has to extort people and victimize them, because if someone doesn't do it "officially" someone else will do it. What's the reason for that, why does someone need to be at the top, why do we need people to tell us how to live and how much we need to pay for our own protection?

I truly think that people can't govern over themselves

If you don't think people are capable of making choices for themselves how could you even form an argument since doing so means choosing for yourself.

You just said that people cannot be trusted to chose for themselves, but they can be trusted to chose for others?

Don't get me wrong, some of the taxation is very unfair,but what i would imagine is that i don't understand why there is a tax for that in the firstplace, and thus don't fully understand why something is taxes, leaving a benefit of the doubt that a reason exists.

if you are forced to pay, then it is wrong, it is wrong for me to force you to pay your benefit. It circles back, people aren't capable of choosing for themselves, but some are allowed to force everyone else to pay, otherwise known as extortion. If people aren't capable to chose for themselves, how can others be capable to force things for everyone?

You're saying that as long as you don't fully understand why someone stole, or robbed someone, that it leaves the benefit of doubt as to "was that theft, was that a robbery". In the end, saying "a reason exists" is meaningless, because the reason could be extortion, the reason could be force, the reason could be criminal, just as much as it could be the opposite.

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