The Illusion of Legality

I find myself often ending up in discussions with others about this topic, so I thought I would open it up to discussion as a post and explain my point further. I can't make you believe or see anything that you don't want to see and vice versa, but perhaps I can present a solid enough case to explain why I feel this way and maybe create some critical thought in the process. My entire premise for this post is that laws do not can cannot give you a right or protect you. In fact, while many people believe the legal system is built to protect you, it's actually put in place to control you and offers you no actual protection.

The only law that matters in the end is a persons morality. Any government in the world can write laws preventing any citizen from owning a gun, shooting someone, illegal to throw acid on someone's face, or illegal to sell drugs. Here's the simple fact, no matter what any piece of paper or "governing authority" says, each individual makes their own decisions about following those laws. There can be all the repercussions or promises of negative retaliation in the world, but if someone decides they are going to kill another person or hurt them, those laws are meaningless. If a person decides that they don't want to follow ANY law, the whole system is kind of pointless.

We create our own laws through our own self awareness and sense of morality. We are the only force that can ever truly hold ourselves responsible for our actions. We are also the only person that can ever forgive ourselves or pardon ourselves for those crimes. A government can tell someone that they were too young to know better and that what they did shouldn't ruin their whole life or a lawyer can try to persuade a court to rule for consecutive sentencing on multiple crimes. The whole point is that no matter what anyone else says or what punishments they impose, we hold ourselves accountable and decide what we will or wont do again.

I feel I've presented enough logic as to why no one or nothing can control what another person does and going further would just be reiterating the same logic with different examples. This raises the question of what governments actually do when they create these "laws" to give you "rights." Well that in itself is a logical fallacy, why would I need someone to give me permission to do what I am already able to do and aware enough to decide for myself? Laws are at best a suggestion of "preferred" existence that was decided for you by people with an agenda. The agenda is to make you into a good slave that pays taxes and doesn't ask questions. They don't want you to think for yourself, because then you wont need them and they wont be able to tax you.

I'm definitely open to hearing any solid counter arguments to these facts, but normally all I get is someone telling me that I'm privileged based on where I live or that I'm crazy. My only real response to that line of thought is, have you ever watched the news? Are you unaware that even though these laws exist there is still corruption in our governments? Are you unaware that people still kill people? Are you unaware that people still make choices to do "illegal" things even though those laws exist? I think if the world would just stop considering that everything they learned in a public education system was the indisputable truth and started thinking for themselves, they would quickly realize how idiotic this whole "governmental system" actually is and that it hinders our freedoms.

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