Why Are You So Unhappy 🌠 Here Is A Tip To Fix This! πŸ’›

The Journey For Happiness

The adventure for happiness forms the basis on which us humans are motivated. Without happiness, there is no motivation to do anything. We work in a way to try and escape suffering and work towards happiness, so why aren't most of us reaching this true state of happiness?

To be frank, we do not want fame and wealth. Many people believe that we want money, fame and relationships, but we do not. Humans want the emotions that come from owning these things. We want and crave for happiness.

Everyone wants to do well; everyone wants happiness. We will always endeavour for solace and attempt to run from suffering, but does our desire for happiness always get fulfilled? I do not believe so as we see so many troubled human beings inhabiting the world.

We Crave Happiness Badly

Let's take an example of this craving for happiness. Let's take a mouse that is enclosed within a maze. The maze has a stench of cheese within it. The maze has many paths in which the mouse could take, but only one will lead the mouse to its end goal of the cheese. Almost all of the routes are rigged with traps, and there is very small chance that the mouse will reach what it craves for, happiness.

You could compare this example to humans. We are all on a journey toward happiness, trying to escape this suffering, but we are headed towards a fools' paradise. Many of the paths towards this end goal have traps laid at every corner. As a result, the probability that we will reach total happiness is low.

In this journey towards happiness, we spend a lot of money. By the end of the journey, most of us want to end up with more money; it does not make sense. They then try many things desperately to try and find happiness, drugs, different sexual partners, religions. Most of them earn them in a lower place then they first started.

The Cure To Unhappy

Meditation. Meditation has been the answer to my unhappiness and has made me a generally happier person.

Meditation keeps our heads out of the clouds; it brings us down to Earth. It keeps us connected with our soul. You may see many articles and people recommending meditation and taking it as this seemingly boring thing that some people do. You cannot make this judgement if you have not tried it.

I thought meditation was useless and a waste of time before I had tried it. After I had tried it, I could never turn back; it changed my life.

When you are meditation, you have full control of your body. You condition yourself and your mind and put yourself in a neutral mood of neither happiness of neither happiness nor unhappiness. You remove all negative thoughts from within your mind and put yourself at peace. All previous bad thoughts and grudges are gone. It is a sensational feeling.

Do not let pain take over your mind. Cleanse yourself with meditation.

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