Afternoon Spent @ Costa Marina Samal


Delayed Gratification

I wasn't able to enjoy summer as planned due to summer class I had to take. I didn't have much time to go somewhere since I was busy at school and spending some time with my family. Now summer class is over and few weeks from now another school year begins.

And now I still got some time for summer vacation and making sure it will be worth it. Starting off with this place we went to in Island Garden City of Samal. Costa Marina Beach Resort.


From home it would take more than an hour ride but I'm sure it will all be worth it when you get there.

As always my boyfriend and I don't spend much when we go out somewhere. We are trying to be as frugal as possible.

From home to Sasa would only cost $0.80(Php40) multiplied by 2 for both of us. Sasa is the place where we should ride a pumpboat crossing the sea towards Costa Marina Beach Resort and that pumpboat ride costs $0.40(Php20) multiplied by 2 for both of us. Doesn't cost that much right?


We Made it

After more or less an hour of travel from home we finally made it to costa marina. The entrance fee would cost $3(Php150) multiplied by 2 for both of us and you can already use the tables and chairs inside if you don't want to spend another amount for a cottage.

The crew inside Costa Marina are very nice and accommodating. They always seem to have a smile in their place. They really do apply that one requirement from the company which is the "pleasing personality".



Since we haven't eaten lunch yet and we want to try just even a single meal from Costa Marina so we ordered Pancit Guisado which cost $4(Php200) that can serve 4 people already. And we also ordered Halo Halo that cost $2(Php100) and a 1.5L softdrink which cost $2(Php100) as well.

Trust me when I say the Food is tasty! We never expected it would taste really good since we always expect the worst when it comes to ordering food. It really is hard to amaze us when it comes to food since we already tasted tons of food from different places and restaurants.


Good Spot

There are lots of good spots at Costa Marina that are worth taking photos. We tried our best to provide quality photos on those spots we went to and ofcourse with the concent of the management.

It's amazing se still got to have some bonding time despite the fact that I am a busy person and I really love going to places with the one I love. After those busy months at school is a very relaxing outing. This how we balance life.






Time to go Home

After we spent time together swimming at the beach (no photos since my boyfriend requested to enjoy the beach without gadgets) we went home. We waited for the pumpboat's last trip around 5pm going back to Sasa which cost $0.40(Php20) and going back home cost $0.80(Php40) multiplied by 2 for both of us.

It is one of the best relaxing days we had. I didn't even got tired of the trip we made. It was pure relaxation and quality time. We talked about plans on where to go next hoping it would still be a blast next time.

All in all we spent $18.8(Php940) and that doesn't even hurt our pockets since we really had a great time.

Thats it for today everyone and I hope you loved my content for today :)

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