PHC Top 3 Contest: Comfort Food

This is my entry into this month’s PHC Top 3 contest.

The topic for this round @phctop3 is....Comfort Food.

Check out the contest rules Here

Lots of comfort foods needed now the colder weather is settling in my neck of the woods. So many great vegetables from the harvest are just waiting to be cooked and served to hungry mouths.

My Nominations....

Nomination Number One-

Tomato Rice Soup

My Reasons for the Nomination:

When the temperature drops, I enjoy a warm bowl of soup with homemade biscuits. Tomato and rice was one I enjoyed since childhood.

On Saturday morning Mother would boil up a soup bone and add a diced onion, rice and the tomatoes. Cut up in small pieces, veggies like carrots or celery might be added.

She would make a large pot of it and this would be a convenient solution to anyone’s hunger throughout the weekend. There would always be homemade bread or biscuits to go with the soup.


Nomination Number Two-

Pumpkin Pie

Reason for the Nomination:

I’ve already done a post on cooking pies from the pie pumpkins I used for halloween decorations. I’ve always loved pumpkin and it’s great in pies. It takes a little bit of time to cut the pumpkin and scrap out the seeds then bake it for under a hour to use to make the pie.

Along with the delicious flavour and smell from the added spices of cinnamon and allspice, pumpkin has a lot of nutritional benefits.

Pumpkin pies I baked.


Nomination Number Three-

Gingermen Cookies

Reason for the Nomination:

A lot of my comfort food relates back to childhood and the foods my parents or grandmother cooked.

Gingermen cookies were one of the wonderful enjoyments at my grandmother’s house. Albeit she passed way too soon when I was twelve but I still recall happy times with her. She always had on hand gingermen cookies and a warm drink for anyone who stopped in.

I had my first cup of tea with her while eating these cookies.

These ones I baked.


❤️ Thanks for reading my post and remember for the best results, always cook your comfort foods with love and joy in your heart. ❤️




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