PHC Top 3 contest!! Food Food and more Food!!!!

It is November which means a new month for the @phctop3 contest. The panel members, @plantstoplanks @cheese4ead @nickyhavey and I work hard every month to keep this contest going in top notch.

Now, I know this month is gonna get you wanting to dive in as the cravings start to kick in as we are talking comfort foods! Who doesn't love comfort foods?

All you have to do, and trust me this is simple, is write a post about your favorite 3 comfort foods. Use the tag #phctop3 so we can find your post with ease and voila. Wanna know what's in it for you? Click on the link, it brings you to the original contest post and you get to see the bonus that's included.

Before I start sharing my favs, I want to make sure you all know that my list does not get put in the contest. This post is to encourage the contest, thus half the proceeds get put in prize pool for someone to win. The more there is, the more you can win... (I highly encourage you to try the contest at least once!)

My top 3


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Muffins! Oh the smell of baked muffins. Chocolate chip, apple, fruit explosion, carrot, banana, any kind of muffin I will take. Warm it up, split it half and spread a bit of butter on it. Have it coffee or tea and it will just make your belly.... Let's just say happy.. and forget about the rest.


Grilled Cheese.

Ok not the best pic I took but let me explain.

You got bread (better when it's fancier than what you see above so just use your imagination here), you got cheddar cheese, some bacon, apples and hickory BBQ sauce? What?

Hell yes!! It's fall here baby and I want some damn good fall food. For breakfast, or lunch this yummy sandwich leaves you drooling as you eat it. Well it does for me. The flavors blend so well the sweetness from the apple pairs with the cheese, the salt from the bacon counters the sugar from the apples, the sauce makes it all tie together better than ketchup with a regular flat grilled cheese. Oh yeah, it sticks to your ribs.


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Turkey dinner duuuuude!

Woah! Wait.. wait wait wait. That's too much stuff on that plate, I could never eat all that. I'll just take the best items on that plate.

The stuffing for sure, uuum, oh the turkey, duh. No bread, no sausage, no corn and peas, no potatoes... Oh wait, is that sweet potato? Ya leave that, I'll take all of it please and then the cranberry. Omg the cranberry is a must on that turkey!!! Now leave me be with my food as I sit on the couch and watch some none Christmas movie because it's only November!!

I need a forth in here. Can I have a 4th? Well since I'm a panel member, I get to say yes... They don't count anyways 😛

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Heck ya salad!

Fruits, nuts, veggies, vinaigrette, like there is nothing I can't put in a salad. I absolutely love having avocado, cashews, red onions and anything else that can make my belly sing. And that's why salad is a comfort food for me. It makes me feel good, the medley of flavors in one bite, there's just something about it that makes my soul happy. Throw a blanket over my legs and give me a huge bowl of salad and I will be living the highlife. It is comforting to know that something so yummy can be so good for the body and soul. Shh I know it's not an actual comfort food, but I'd rather this than poutine, that's huge because I'm a Frenchie lol.

Ugh stop talking about food now. I'm gaining weight just thinking of it.

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