Whatever Dood, March Post.

They say March roars in like a lion and out like a lamb. The first part of that is certainly holding true so far, hopefully the second part rings true towards the end of month. March roared in with a snow storm, and the cold weather and snow just keep coming. Apparently there's more snow on the way! MEH

On top of that it's just 6 more months till September. This is pretty much the time I decided I'm going to take my cross country motorcycle trip. I figure at that time, desert riding through Nevada and Death Valley California, might be a little more bearable. Two segments of my journey that I'm not overly enthusiastic about confronting.

So I've been ordering all my gear for the trip. So far I've got my eating kit covered, new tent, hatchet, flints, knives and other things I'll need to survive. For the most part, I should be more than half way there as far as gear I'll need. I'll take a couple short trips come spring and mid summer to see what other needs might arise. I need to make a list of equipment and figure out what is left to get. On top of all that I'm trying to get my home life a bit more organized too.

I started shopping for a new motorcycle. I've been looking at both new and used. Currently I'm leaning more towards a used bike with low miles, that already has most of the bags and accessories I need. I figured I can save a lot buying used, and living in an area with less than a six month riding season, finding used low mileage bikes isn't really a problem.

With that said, I put aside a nice chunk of change for a new bike, but after I got through with my accountant realized Uncle Sam was going to get a little more than I anticipated. My new bike has turned into a used bike real fast. Now I just need the crypto markets to cooperate so I'm comfortable with the financial aspect of taking the trip. At this point all systems are a go, but I'm not going to clear out my savings, and all my hard work to take a dream vacation if I don't get trading and start making some profits in 2018 and also have to take into consideration taxes for 2019. What a drag! I don't mind paying taxes but I think crypto taxes need to be looked at, analyzed, and changed in this country with a quickness. Anyway, maybe that's a rant for another day .

So crypto taxes are paid and The Dood, can finally get back to trading full time. It took almost 6 weeks to get all my tax info in order. What a drag man! In a lot of ways I'm starting to think it was a blessing in disguise. During that time I did very little trading, and for the most part many of my bags continue to drop in value. I expected this to happen, I'm just really happy I wasn't buying the decline all the way down. I've been watching alts for the most part and I'm just not feeling real bullish at the moment. I've been watching and waiting looking for deals but as soon as I look at 1 year charts and see how much some of these coins pumped over 2017, I have to admit I get a bit bearish. I sold off some nice chunks of my positions during 2017, I've began rebuilding some, and others I continue to wait patiently to see what the market brings. I'm holding a nice chunk of BTC I'm looking to convert to alts, and almost hoping for a nice sell off before this years alts season. Basically at this point The Dood is just sitting back watching, and waiting for the right buying opportunity.

I've been taking Steemit much more seriously now and posting The Daily Dood, daily LOL. That has been a lot of fun to put together. I'm going to start taking the weekend off, just because it gets difficult to curate all the content for the daily over the weekend. The Dood needs to take a break too from time to time. However, I'll probably post a weekend in review each Monday to make up for it.

I'll be posting a lot more personal content too. I'm going to try and make myself post the daily and at least one piece of personal content each day, along with some weekly gigs like MusicMonday, and BeerSaturday.

Speaking of BeerSaturday, I haven't been posting on that subject because I've been trying to diet. The Dood's trying to lose weight and drinking beer is not part of the diet! I decided the other day though that I will have 1 beer a week, because I love beer and I'm missing it, and also because I love the beer Saturday posts and miss my weekly beer reviews. So beer Saturday posts should be returning this week :) YaY!

Well I think thats enough of The Dood's ramblings for one day. I can't believe I'm almost at 1000 followers! Getting there slowly but surely. I can't believe almost 1000 people read these posts, kind of strange. The Dood totally appreciates the support and appreciates everyone of you all! Thank you so much for sharing your Steemit experience with The Dood and tolerating my posts! Hope these words have found you all well! Thanks for reading and Steem on brother and sisters! Steem on!

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