5 Strange allergies that exist


People may be allergic to a few things in their life, whether its meat, vegetables, dust, animals etc. But there are some really strange allergies that people have.

1. Woods


Sounds really strange right. But yes few people are allergic to wood dust. You may be allergic to a particular kind of wood or a variety of woods. One of the famous extremes of this kind of allergy is of a bank investor, who discovered that he was allergic to woods.

2. Sun


Now that is something unrealistic to believe, but it's a fact for few people suffering from this kind of problems. Having normal skin burn or redness is fine, but having rashes, irritated skin or burning sensation from a little exposure to the sun is a sign that maybe your allergic to sun rays. Wearing protected cloths, sunscreen (sunblock), glasses, hats, etc is a way to protect your skin.

3. Water


The human body is about 60% to 70% water by weight, so it sounds really shocking to see water in the list. But drinking or getting the skin in contact with water is a nightmare for few people. It's called aquagenic urticaria. In some cases, people suffering from aquagenic urticaria have a problem with breathing or severe pain.

4. Exercise.


You may be feeling it's an excuse to not work out but it's a true matter of concern. People suffering from cholinergic urticaria face these problems, and they suffer from intense itching and redness.

5. Fish Smell


Many people dislike the smell of raw fish, but some people are allergic to it. When you inhale something, you also inhale tiny microparticles with it and some smells can cause server reactions like breathing problems, skin rashes etc.

These are some of the weirdest allergies you might have come across, but these things are for real and a nightmare for few people.

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