How I Naturally Fought Covid Plus a Bonus

I'll just take a breather from my crypto posts for a bit but I promise to give more insights on what I know about crypto on my next blog. I just feel I have to share this story and take one point for nature.

On the height of Covid-19, sometime August, 2020, my whole family was stricken with the nasty Covid-19.

On that August weekend, my sister-in-law, who lives somewhere else during the weekdays and come home on weekends kind of gave a hint as somebody was spraying chemical with a repugnant smell was not minding it. We were all saying take it easy on the bug spray to the guy who was spraying stuff to the ants while my sister-in-law said, "What smell? I don't smell anything."

On the succeeding Monday she had a schedule for Covid swab testing along with my father-in-law as they were really scheduled from their other place of residence. After three days, they received an email of the results and eventually a call that they were positive.

Then the following morning everyone was down with a fever, muscle sores, no sense of smell and no sense of taste. So it means we had it.

Now, let me backtrack a little. Even before Covid-19 I have this recurring sinusitis that progresses into a full-blown flu if I don't take a medicine for sinusitis. Actually only Sinutab was my go to meds for my sinusitis. But then Sinutab was phased out in the market and no other medicine was giving relief.

So from that point on I had no meds that could effectively give fast relief for my sinusitis and I had to suffer two weeks of flu even with meds for flu.

During one of my bouts with flu, this was like just started with the joint aches, but the day before I was able to procure some celery from a guy who make the rounds on our subdivisions every morning and sell various vegetables. I was planning to make macaroni salad with the celery. My sinusitis has started and hadn't taken Sinutab at this point.

The next day my sinusitis became a flu. I was left all alone in the house as I had fever and aches. My kid went to school and my wife went to her workplace. Basically I was just sleeping the whole day.

Around 3 pm, I woke up and was really hungry but no energy to cook anything, even instant noodles. I opened the ref and-- tada! Only the celery was something that I could eat without the need to cook or needing elaborate preparations.

I wolfed down on the celery. It was good. I'm not a veggie guy but I really enjoyed eating the celery raw. Then went back to sleep.

My wife didn't wake me up as she knows I was sick. Then around 2 am in the morning I woke up again. To my surprise my joints weren't aching and my temperature was normal. I felt normal. I said to myself, "How is that possible?"

I'm supposed to suffer two weeks of the flu. I haven't even touched the meds my wife bought for me since I was asleep when she came home.

So I remembered that the only thing I literally had the whole day was coffee, water and celery. I said, "Wow! to the celery because it literally made me well in less than 24 hours.

From that point on, I would buy celery when my signal for sinusitis is on red alert. My signal is white mucus that would just drip on my nostrils, then it would be hard to breath as my nasal cavities would be clogged. So the next time my body sounded a Deftcon 1 alert for sinusitis, I made sure I have celery right away.

So it happened again, white mucus trickling down from my nose. Then I told myself if I don't get a flu, it means the celery is truly effective.

Damn! I woke up the next day and my nasal cavities weren't even clogged. My sinusitis was gone. So that confirms it that celery is my new anti-sinusitis and anti-flu.

Okay, so fast-forward to Covid-19 era of August 2020, so all of us were down. Luckily I had some celery on the ref. I offered to my wife and kid but apparently they don't really like celery. So I ate it all.

On the third day, my muscle sores and fever were gone. Kind of like a resurrection miracle, on the third day I rose again.

My wife and kid only got well a week and a half after.

Oops, before I forget, to prepare the celery, just remove all leaves, and cut to the length of your pinkie finger, then chill it a bit. I really love the taste of my super celery when it is cold. Then just eat away.

Actually I had another story with celery. My son is allergic to peanuts and he accidentally ate a peanut bit, a really tiny peanut bit from a cake and that was enough to puff his eyes out and feel extreme discomfort as rashes came out all over his body.

Unfortunately too that my son's stash of emergency antihistamines were used up. So I had to rush to the nearest pharmacy but before I left I told him to eat celery as I have researched on it a bit and celery has strong anti-inflammatory ingredients on it.

My son was forced to eat it, and while I was driving to the pharmacy back and forth, with a long line, maybe took me 25 minutes, when I came back my son's bloated state has somewhat simmered down and wasn't agitated anymore. Then he was able to take the antihistamines to further bolster the effects of the celery.

Thank you for reading.

Go celery!!!

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