Think philosophy

.Most of the time, you are thinking about life, not living life.You have invented your own, and all your suffering comes from your invention, not from the reality.happening in your mind is your creation. World around you is just giving you information. What you do with this damn information is defi nitely your opinion.
h ere are two basic forces within you which are constantly functioning, which seem to be in conf l ict with most people.Th ey are not in conf l ict, but most people see them as in conf l ict.One is the instinct of self-preservation which compels you to build walls around yourself to protect yourself. Another part of you is longing to constantly expand. One is trying to build walls, another is trying to expand.
self-preserva-tion should be limited only to the physical body.
gravity is trying to hold you down, Grace is something that is trying to lift you up.
With gravity you have no choice, anyway you are available to it, but with Grace, you have to make yourself receptive and available to it.Grace is constantly active.
.It is the entangle-ment which causes the pain and suf f ering, not involvement.
h ere is something called as “me,” there is something called as the “other,” which is the basis of all conflict.
the whole aspect of yoga, or spiritual process, is to bring you to this experience that if you sit here, there is no such thing as “you” and “me.” It is all me, or all you

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