
Being able to switch out of a subjective to an objective position, measure things rationally, make better choices, and then switch back into the subjective position to implement those choices is perhaps one of the highest skills as a rational human.
You spend your time in your own objective space when you bake the cake. You measure the ingredients, you make sure the oven is preheated by measuring it with a thermometer. You mix the ingredients in the proper order and the proper ratios according to the recipe. You bake it for the correct time. All while wearing your science hat. But when it's time to eat it, you toss away our science hat and enjoy it. You can't bake it any more after it's out of the oven. You can't go back in time and remix it. You can't put in more sugar or less eggs. This is why whencreating love, you have to very sure it is set, and set properly in your target before you enjoy it. A good idea is to read this guide completely before trying any of the techniques. Measure twice, cut once (I know, not a baking metaphor!).
Normal learning goes through four potential stages.

1.Unconscious Incompetence:
Every instrument that exists that you've never heard of would represent something with which you have unconscious competence.
2.Conscious Incompetence:
Every time you read a description of a previously unknown instrument, your skills with that particular instrument would shift from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence
3.Conscious Competence:
play a couple songs, but needed all your concentration while doing so, you've moved into conscious competence. Most people stay at this stage for most skills.
4.Unconscious Competence:
This is when you get so good you don't have to think about competence, this is the area of "flow," where you are "in the moment" and totally immersed in your particular task.

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