Will Sustainability Kill or Enslave Us All? Part 1

What if...

We could save more energy and resources with simple low cost policy changes than intensive investment? Could unbridled and misunderstood investment in sustainability actually hurt us? Let's explore together!!!

Here are two hot topics we want your feedback on:

Electric Cars:

-Electric cars a) Grid Capacity : Most cities don't have the grid capacity to take on the extra load - they are already having problems with peak power draw LEARN MORE: Electric cars can help or hurt earth In our opinion, using the cars to complement the grid as batteries would result in efficiency losses >20% and wearing down the expensive car batteries' life spans due to constant charging which may not be ideal.

-Electric cars b) Embodied Energy in a Car the amount of resources it would take to replace every car with an electric one is immeasurable - honestly, we tried to do the math on it but without a way of re-using 100% of all existing cars it just doesn't add-up. LEARN MORE: Making a new car creates as much carbon pollution as driving it

Electric cars proposition : We focus on a retrofit that works as a hybrid and runs on non-intensively farmed bio-fuel. Combined with policies for public transit, vehicle sharing bicycles and inter-city electric trains this may be the lowest-cost solution. What do you think?

Focus on Carbon Neutrality and Carbon Tax:

Carbon Neutrality a) Not Enough: While important - carbon neutrality is only a fraction of the widespread economic, social and environmental issues we are facing. We need to think more holistically in our sustainability marketing requirements. A product can destroy the environment, enslave the third world and wreak unspeakable havoc - all while being carbon neutral. We need to invest on a product-by-product purchase instead of blindly purchasing from companies who use archaic and wasteful practices.

Carbon Neutrality b) More Tax?: Let's take a step back from "tax" and examine a worker's 'earned value' against what they take home. Your earned value is the amount of money you earn your company per hour. Let's consider that this money is already invested in creating a sustainable government and company.

-70%: Most consultants, tradesmen, etc. only get paid about 30% of what their companies make per hour of them working to cover overhead costs. This is technically "invested" in maintaining a sustainable business for employees and is often mismanaged and unaccounted for.

-30%: Income tax on all money earned.

-13%(HST) - 5% (GST): Sales tax on most items purchased.

-30% Fuel Tax: Hidden in the existing cost driving + of everything since it took oil to make, extract or get to you.

-30%+ Alcohol and Tobacco Taxes: If you buy alcohol or tobacco you are taxed extra on that.

-30% Rent: Most young people are not earning any value for the equity they are helping to build or allowed to invest in the energy efficiency of their rental unit.

Add all that up and we're already investing nearly everything we have into this country and our corporations. Clearly it is time for some auditing to find out how we can make these systems run more efficiently with low-cost solutions. This doesn't have to mean solar panels on every roof - but simple policy changes can lead to huge staff time savings and resource use efficiency gains learn more: Lean Management Success Stories!

Funding Proposition: We need a way to put more money into our bank accounts TOMORROW without big investments into the corporations we are already funding everyday. We have another blog coming up about how to do achieve this for low-cost regarding cars and homes - check out our sustainability secrets Steemit article for our take on how we can save tons of resources on food and consumer products.

Do you make any eco-friendly products? Let us hear your feedback and questions in the comments!!!

​thank you :)

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