Living and working with Pancreatitis ..about me

Living with Pancreatitis can be a real pain in the ass. Quite literally.
You can not make long term plans as you never quite know when your going to be ill, or in pain.

When I have pancreatitis, The main symptoms i have are , Pain in the middle left area of my back and side, Nausea, Diarrhoea and a general lack of energy. Sometimes not all these symptoms happen at the same time.
I have had Pancreatitis for quite a few years and the Doctors have never got to the bottom of why I have it.
After the second or third attack they decided to remove my Gall Bladder as it had quite a lot of sludge in it which possibly was causing a blockage at the pancreas.
A few Pancreatitis episodes after that it was discovered that i had a Tumour in the tail of my Pancreas and that resulted in the removal of half of my Pancreas and my complete Spleen,

Some people who have Illnesses just give up and let the Illness take hold of them. I prefere to just take each day as it comes, If im fit and its a work day , I go to work, if its a day when i'm not working , or after work i like to get active.
My Hobbies include Cycling, JiuJitsu (Japanese not Brazilian), Going to the Movies, going out with my Wife and children to resturants.
I also have two YouTube Channels..... silver for fun Which show my collection of Gold and silver and my other channel is Toy Junky, when I show various toys , Mainly Diecast Cars. Hot Wheels, Majorette, Corgi Matchbox etc.

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