5 days sunset challenge - Day #4 DIREWOLFSLAIR

Summer is here, so beautiful sunsets are happening everywhere, everyday.

I like to chase sunsets with any photo device available at the moment.

I've decided to challenge myself for 5 days straight, to go out and spend some time shooting the perfect sunset photo.
During this challenge I will also challenge my imagination for composition, as well as trying to take the photos at different timings, and settings.

My entry for Sunset challenge Day #4 is:


Original photo by @direwolfslair
Taken with Nikon D7100

Again, used the wetness of the pavement caused by strong waves to experiment a little bit more with the reflection of sky in time of sunset. Pretty happy with the colors, and how the focus and blurs turned out.

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All images and text are my original content. ©2019 direwolfslair All rights reserved.

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