Stories and Share: How I lost 10kg ~ 22 pounds?

My weight has varied over the course of my adult life, but by the end of 2016, I was the heaviest and largest I'd ever been. I weighed 58 kg and was 155 centimeters tall. The worst part was that I didn't realize the fat was accumulating around my body until everyone I encountered warned me to be ready to roll down the street (because I looked like a ball, more or less). I was hurt but refused to believe their words because the mirror still seemed to be my friend. Till one day I decided to put on my favorite dress for my friend's wedding party but I couldn't. Worse off, I borrowed mom another one, but it didn't work either. @@ I'd never experienced anything like that before.

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I was in a panic, looking for strategies to slim down. The first thing I heard about was calories in and calories out but I was completely unaware of nutrition at the time. So I basically starved myself for three days, eating very little and drinking a lot of water. I dropped 0.5 kg, but then I lost my sleep, waking up at 2 a.m. with trembling hands and a racing heart.

I began binge-eating, again..., and within a week, I gained another 2 kg. I couldn't manage to lose weight consistently after that. Regardless of what I did or how many slim pills I took, I constantly gained weight. I spent all of my money on an anti-acne routine and anti-obesity pills, but none of them were able to assist me.
I despised shopping, and I hated myself...

Since then, I've tried a variety of diets, but I've come to know that they won't assist me until I help myself. Here's the most essential factor to consider in determining whether or not a diet will benefit you. If you want to lose weight without gaining it back, there are four things you can consider below:

1. Stay busy

This is the first item on my list since it is essential. When you have a lot of free time, you tend to get even more preoccupied with eating since you may not be able to adapt to changes quickly. You may experience hunger as a result of your reduced food intake. However, remaining occupied is essential in this situation.
You'll be OK as long as you keep working hard (of course, proper diets are a must so you both can lose weight and get energy for work)

I tried all I could to lose weight, including Ketogenic diets, eat-clean, but it was all for waste. I recognized I was thinking about food a lot, bingeing on it; I got caught up in the "healthy eating" trap. Even some healthy foods have a lot of calories, I didn't lose weight, even gain more weight after doing "big" keto or eating clean.
The more food consumed, the more difficult it got to limit the quantity of food for the following occasions, so keep everything on track for one or two days and you'll be OK.

2. Drink enough water

Drinking adequate water is essential besides a good diet. You may search Google how to tell whether you're getting enough water. Water contains no calories but can aid in the sensation of fullness for a longer period of time. by keeping yourself busy and having a glass of lukewarm water by your side at all times, you won't be bothered by hunger feelings anymore.

3. Excercise

While exercise is not a must to reduce weight, it might help you lose weight faster. Exercise for 30 mins each day also improves your overall health. If you don't have 30 minutes every day, develop a working environment where you can walk around more frequently.
Take some stretching breaks in between each working hour, for example. Lunchtime walks might also be beneficial.

4. Diet

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  • You're probably tired of hearing about 5-day or 7-day diet regimens that promise to help you lose weight. Because you don't know where to start or how to keep on track, none of them work in the long run. They may cause you to become tired at times. In other words, you can't expect a long-term result from a short-term effort.
  • You don't need to devour every book of nutrition to eat right. Just take your time. Eat more veggies, less meat, and less fat. Stop eating when you're half-full.
  • Make your diet easy to approach: The most efficient method to stay on track is to plan your meals for the entire day. My parents prefer feeling-based eating, which means they are unconcerned with healthy food. So, before sitting down at my family's dining table, I often have my own salad (We Vietnamese tend to eat together each meal).

If a diet is just intended to be followed for a limited period of time, it will not function well. I believe that the best way to achieve a healthier weight is to adopt a better lifestyle. If you wish to reduce weight, choose those with highly recommended "long-term" plans.

It took me about five years to find out how I landed myself here. I didn't drop 10 pounds overnight. It came in waves, rising and falling. The first three years were unsuccessful, but I can now claim that after changing my diet which focuses on my health, it took me a year to shed 10 kg.
I've maintained at 48kg for a year thanks to my healthy morning smoothie routine. I still have stomach fat and can't wear a body-con the way I want, but I'm learning to appreciate and love myself, even more, every day!

Good luck!

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