Preparing for Christmas

I've made a nice long post on this model a while ago, including a tutorial, so if you're interested you can check it out here.
So i'm preparing decorations for my pretty plastic tree, this is my third year doing it I think, I reuse most of the models but since I made an 800 piece ball from most of the old ones I'll have to make some new ones.


I've been folding these all day yesterday and put them together about and hour ago, even finished another little spider which I was planning to enter for the origami olympiad, wish I posted this one.


All assembled, this is less than I though.


and finally all folded

I'll probably just make a big post when I finish everything unless I come up with some other decorations, I should deffinitely get some nicer colors, this was just some stack of post it note papers I didn't use because of their color, but yellow might look good on green.

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