🎶 Open Mic Week 110 - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

Hey guys were here again and once more I'm late, or at least I feel late - either way what an amazing week of entries we had again, I am loving the variety we have been getting of late.

I love seeing people mix it up a bit and try something new, or even something that they truly love but rarely share - the last two weeks have been a treat for brilliant music I want to hear more of.

So give my lateness and the fact that I have a tone of brilliant and amazing music to share with you all, I will keep this short but sweet and jump right on into it.

So without further delay this is my top 5 judges selection for week 110 of Open Mic.

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @tarotbyfergus - Ramblin Man

Fuck yes Fergus my man, this took me back to songwriters so bad - just having you blow me away with a performance that is, this song is just perfect for you and you kicked ass in it's delivery.

The vocal control you display is just incredible, then there's that phenomenal range you depict with that haunting vocal flip - just so amazing man, I love and just can't get enough of that vocal break you've got there... just epic.

You're falsetto control with that break was just brilliant, it was a no brainer for you to be in my top 5 this week - just really brilliant man, loved every second and cannot wait to hear more of the classic @tarotbyfergus we've all come to know and love!

2nd Place - @themusiclover - Ain't no Sunshine

This was just an incredible performance and entry, I just had to include you in my top 5 this week - I love this song and you absolutely did it more than justice.

Just a great rendition, I love the subtle changes you made - but it really was just an incredible performance.

You have a truly stunning voice, brilliant vocal control and all round an amazing entry - I loved this performance and I am so glad to hear, that with some help of our awesome Open Mic family you were able to get an entry in this week.

Well I for one want to welcome you and I'm sure I speak for all of us here, that we hope you stick with us and continue to share your awesome music.

3rd Place - @builtinfire - Ordinary

Firstly stoked to see you back again, it's been to long since I heard that powerhouse vocal display - not to mention great song choice, just worked perfectly.

What a beast of a voice, I absolutely love it - just so much power and emotion threaded throughout it, I love the intensity you portray here.

You really captured my attention immediately and I just had to include you in my top 5, I like hearing a bit of a different sound and you did this beautifully - making this feel like it was your song all along, just kick ass.... and I really hope to be seeing you round a little more in Open Mic I missed ya entries.

4th Place - @joseacabrerav - Así es la vida

Oh man every time I hear you I realise more and more, just how fortunate we are to have you with us - the sheer talent you display alone is incredible, but man that voice just get's me every damned time!

You just have a way to convey the meaning of the song, through your passionate performances - I just can't get enough.

For one so young to have so much talent is incredible, but it's not just that you have the stage presence and you always preform the song - with such epic passion, it's all I want from a musician and you give it every time.

As always I'm a massive fan of your music and cannot wait for more :D

5th Place - @sazzler - Born on a Mountain

Oh well this was just too bloody good to pass up, the music, voice and piano, just stunning lovely - then I realised it was a @basilmarples song and I was even more hooked.

You have an amazing voice and this performance was just epic, you have incredible range and control and stunning delivery - I would have loved to hear a duet with the two of you ( I do remember the group number you did with another person, but I'm greedy lol), what a music treat that would be.

Just incredible to have you with us, with such an epically stunning and hauntingly beautiful performance - thank you so much for sharing it I loved every second and really hope to see you both back with us soon <3

Honourable Mentions:

@montanacellist - Ave Maria

This was stunning and so well performed by all involved, I was blown away by the choice and presentation - all round kick ass entry, looking forward to more.

@k0wsk1 - Burn One Down

Wow this was truly incredible, I absolutely loved every second - you are killing it man, hope to hear more soon.

@cristmounicou - Cosas del destino

This was brilliant and I couldn't get enough of it, really wish I had more places to offer cause this really was amazing - hope to keep seeing you all enter, always after brilliant performers with kick ass vocals.

@rodrigo98 - El Aprendiz

This was one hell of a song to pull off, a lot of difficult breathing and intense moments - you did amazing and I look forward to more and soon.

@abelfernandez - El mismo dolor

Oh man your voice gives me chills, just intensely awesome in every sense - I love your music and can't get enough of that velvety tone to your voice, just brilliant.

@felixjfarfan - Preciosa Merideña

I just had to include your entry, what an amazing sound - I love the harmonic tones just perfection.

@futuremind - Hotel California

I really enjoyed how you reworked the song, it's still Hotel California but you've made it your own and I really enjoyed your choices - I hadn't heard a rendition like this and it caught my attention and held it, great song choice and presentation I really loved it.

@pechichemena - Promesas

Ohhh Pechi my man you are just amazing, I love your music, your compositions, the lyrics, your vocals and playing - not to mention for you this is a "bit raw"..... pfft sif dude for most people this is as good as it gets, your skills are truly breathtaking man.

@senzenfrenz - Heart shaped box

I really enjoyed this entry, great song choice and brilliant delivery - I love the harmonies you chose not to mention you absolutely smashed those "hey's", just nice to hear a more instrumental style of this song.

@silentscreamer - The Elder Scrolls

Hell's yes... this is what I want from an instrumental song, power, presence and texture - this was just breathtaking and I loved every second of it, funny when @ausbitbank heard it he instantly recognised it :D

Master Shortlist:

@mandysp, @mayneth, @juliolunar, @minuetoacademy, @orlandogonzalez, @jesuslnrs, @elisonr13, @danilojjunior, @maycorjerjes18, @eugelys, @wilins, @exoelias, @davidsuarezms, @itslobianco, @anitavasquez.

See guys I told ya another brilliant week of truly gifted musicians, sharing their talents and inspiring us all in the process - just another kick ass week of amazing music.

I have to say, you guys are a massive highlight in my week and I am always surprised and amazed by the talent and skill displayed by some of our entrants - you guys are brilliant, much love and see ya's next week!

Songwriters Shoptalk:

Everyone involved in Open Mic or a fan of some of our amazingly talented entrants, should know about the Songwriters Shoptalk - it's a radio show that @meno and I co-host on a weekly basis.

During our two hour show we interview amazing musicians on Steemit, we play some of their original music and get involved in all manner of conversations - I'm not kidding here people, some of the topics are so far from the realm of music I often wonder how we got there.

It's an amazing show and I am thrilled to be a part of it, we have an amazing time each and every week - not to mention we share some amazing music and get to know some of the faces behind the tunes.

Join us 2am UTC Thursdays, it would be great to have you all along for the ride with us - get to know your fellow musicians and as always hear some kick arse music!

Steemit Musicians:

I'd also like to remind everyone again that all top five nominations from this week, will feature in the Steemit Musicians live radio show on MSP-Waves every week - hosted on the Peace Abundance and Liberty discord server, through the Minnow Support Project.

A massive congratulations to all of those to be featured in the show, it is going to be great opportunity to get to further share the awesome entries we receive each week - I can't wait to hear the audience's feedback on all our judges selections and your entries.

I hope you can all drop by and support those who made this week's lists, I'm sure they'd appreciate the support - not to mention if you join you get to help choose the weekly 30 SBD winning entry!

Please join us for Steemit Musicians this Sunday 12-1 UTC!

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You can listen live at the mspwaves website- http://mspwaves.com/home/listen
You can listen on twitch-
You can join broadcast hosts in a special chat room on the MSP Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/kNxM7T6
You can check out http://mspwaves.com/ for more information

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Open Mic's New Discord Server:

I'd like to officially welcome you all to the new Open Mic Discord server, we have been open a little while now - with many of you having already joined.

But it's still a little quiet and I blame myself partly (I didn't know the world of crazy would set in just after opening it up and I just haven't been there to engage with everyone properly or promptly), I hope to remedy this in the coming weeks and months with some big plans we have in the works.

For now it's very hush hush, as plans are finalised and things evolve - you a can be sure you guys will hear all about it.

In the meantime however, there are heaps of amazing musicians already on there - it's a tool and you guys need to use it to get full advantage.

Ask a question, request a collaboration the world is yours - hell even just go in there and play around listening to some tunes in the jukebox room!

I will be trying to make myself more available on the server as time continues, so feel free to drop by even just for a chat.

Again a big thanks to @soundlegion, @meno, @verbal-d and @passion-ground for all they do as judges, please remember to go and check out their top five selections each week and to @luzcypher and @pfunk thank you so much for making all of this possible - until next week.

Which was your favourite entry this week?

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