Hospital Photos and Thoughts on Health

I had to get up in the morning before the rising sun the other day and take my friend down to the hospital. I’ve been doing this from time to time and it is really pretty fun. Of course there are a few things that are not so fun about it but you know how it goes…

I’m so glad that my friend is getting healthier and I can help out in this way.

While we were waiting I noticed this really neat art object in the atrium.


Here’s some more information about the Stetho art piece shown in the above photo. From what I understand the little hammers are supposed to move and hit the musical pipes and chimes as people more around and open and close doors. We tried opening and closing the doors and watching for a long time and listening carefully but nothing seemed to be working.


I remarked to my friend, “Perhaps somebody complained of it being too noisy and they turned it off or somehow its gotten disconnected and doesn’t work anymore.” He kind of looked at me without much of a comment.

Earlier I kind of amused myself taking pictures of this blowfish in the tank. It was swimming all around pretty fast so it was tough to get a nice sharp focused picture.


The more I started paying attention to it the more it started edging closer to the top of the tank. I got this nice, “In your face,” kind of picture as a result.


Some people were starting to watch me struggling to take a good picture. I didn’t want to be accused of any fish abuse as a result of the traumatized blowfish swelling up to full intimidation size as a result of me smacking the camera into the fish tank, so I left the tank alone, LOL.

Here’s another picture of some of the slower swimming fish and the nice waiting room chairs:


This is so much better than some of the hospitals that I’ve heard historical accounts of.

Getting Healthy

I guess I wasn’t that focused on my health when I was younger. I pretty much ate, drank, smoked and made merry. I’ve learned over the years that it is good to pay some attention to what you are doing in the moment and how it can affect your long term happiness.

When I was younger life was more about feeding my desires and a youthful optimism that by always following your bliss somehow things would work out for the better. After all, if you are genetically programmed to desire sweet things why shouldn’t you eat sweet things?

“Moderation is for Monks, let’s eat drink and be merry,” was one of my favorite sayings as a youth.

I guess I’ve slowed down a bit and learned how to do a few things I don’t exactly ‘desire’ in the moment. I’m looking forward to a second childhood of sorts. One with enough time to wander around looking at all the wonderful artworks. I’d rather do what it takes to stay healthy at this point in my life. I’ve quit smoking, and generally live in a much healthier way.

For me this has been a lot about looking within and really paying attention to how things are in my body and environment and finding social connections that are comfortable.

With any luck I could live a great many more years. Perhaps even have time enough make some art myself or help find partners for all the lonely blowfish swimming around in strange hospital fish tanks, lol. Each day can be exciting and worth living.

Thanks for reading! All pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S7.

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