The Night Ride I Wished I Had (Christmas Village/Philippine Arena)


After 3 weeks since the first time that I tried and failed to safely ride my fatbike (shadow), my fiance didn't allowed me to go outside using my bike. It was a tramautic experience for both of us especially to him. When we talked about it, he was badly think that it was him whom to blamed for seeing me drop off my bike many times, getting wounded and being in danger on a road.

Honestly, I regret being not able to try and practice riding my fatbike since then. Our current location was not a bike friendly environment which is one of the major reason why I endes up dropping off out in my bike and this is the reason too why I haven't been able to go with him on this night ride with his friends. These photos I wished I was with him but sadly, I wasn't there :(



This photos may be called a Christmas Village. It is well surrounded with many christmas lights all through this house mansion which I think is residential. They created this place as a kid friendly attraction after the government allowed kids to visit crowded places like this.



Well here in the Philippines, celebrating Christmas was one of the missed things after pandemic just spread. I am not used to see crowded places like this. But they were wearing their facemask. I wouldn't say that this is too beautiful to visit, atleast there is a nearby place to visit and it is free.


I've never been in this place (Philippine Arena) that's why I was kinda disappointed I won't be able to be here tonight. Though I've watched it on television, getting into this place was one of my Fatbike Travel List but I do hope before this year ends, I will gonna visit any nearby place using my bike. It takes one step at a time tho.

This is just the outside of the Philippine Arena. People are taking selfies and group photos with their friends and loved ones. Aside from that, this giant wall with led lights are stunning to look at. I bet if I'm here, we are going to have a photo together, so sad :(



They put also giant moving lights that reflect on the outer part of the Philippine Arena logo which I think it was pretty as it changes it's color and moves.


The Christmas vibes was felt since the Northeast Monsoon are starting to blow. The cold wind was our way of reminding ourselves that Holiday season like this celebrates with our families.

I do and wished and still trying to ride my fatbike again this week. Practice and hardwork and focus even though I knew that if I fall, I will get wounds again. Taking risks like this will make me braver, and definetly I can make it by my own little way. Next time my face will be included too lol:)

Thank you for dropping by and I hope you enjoy the blog today. Have a happy weekend and keep smiling...💋

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