Our Family Snorkel Trip in Cozumel in March - Part 2

A while ago, I wrote my first post about our snorkel trip in Cozumel in March of this year.
You can find it here:
Our Family Snorkel Trip in Cozumel in March - An Eagle Ray!
In this post, I'd like to share a little more of our experience there.
My sister and my eldest daughter came for a visit in March, and we visited a cenote, and on this particular trip, we went to Cozumel for a snorkel trip.
We'd been on one before, but this was a different tour, and to slightly different snorkel spots.
I preferred this one over the fist one. So let's get right to it!


First stop: Palencar reef

The day started out with rain, but it soon got much better. However, this first stop was in the rain. But it didn't make any difference, everything was just as visible as without rain.
Our tour guide fed the fish a little, so they'd come closer to us. One bumped into my mask!
Here's an image of my youngest son and his fishy friends.


He is the most avid diver/snorkeler in the family. He loves anything that has anything to do with water. He's just like me in that regard. Put me on a boat or in the water (clear water, I might add) and I'm a happy camper. He's exactly the same. He wants to free dive, and to be honest, he's well on his way with it. He also has no fear, so while I'd have moments where I'd sit one out, he'd probably be swimming with sharks if he could...



Second Stop: Colombia Reef (not to be mistaken with the country)

At this second reef, there were completely different kinds of fish. The kids saw a moreen eel, but I didn't see it. However, I did see this guy...and then I realized there were three of them.
They kinda look the same, you know. These beauties are nurse sharks. Mostly harmless and friendly.
Of course, they could hurt you if they wanted to, but lucky for us, they don't really want to.


These following images are video screenshots. I'll show the videos in another post.

Nurse Shark.png

As you can see, the shark is just minding its own business. Nurse sharks are bottom feeders and prefer crustaceans like lobsters, crabs, and shrimp. Expensive taste! And the same taste as me! I'd prefer the same kind of seafood banquet if I had the chance.

Nurse Shark7.png

Here's one nurse shark following his buddy.
Nurse Shark3.png

Here are some more images of different kinds of fish, all found in Colombia reef.

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe the bigger one was a barracuda. Good on their own. Not so much in a group haha.

I had to look this one up, but it's a French angelfish. Very pretty!

There were more photos of the creatures in this reef, but I will keep those for a next post.
I'll also have more images from another reef, and my favorite place in this region. So please come back for more!

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