[HAPPYTUMMY] Blueberry muffins for the perfect day

I didn’t bake something for so long and this was the time to do it. I had some blueberries in the fridge and the rest of the ingredients in the kitchen.


I ate them at breakfast, lunch and evening and I guarantee that they have the same wonderful taste no matter what time you decide to eat them. The recipe is very simple and fast, I highly recommend it.


Ingredients (for 12 muffins)

300 g flour
5 g baking powder or ¾ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate quenched with lemon juice
200 g fresh blueberries + 1 tablespoon flour
115 g soft butter
175 g of sugar
3 average eggs
120 ml of milk
1 pinch of salt
1 vanilla paste (seed only from one bean) or vanilla extract



  1. Mix the flour with baking powder and salt and sift it through a thick sieve.
  2. Put the butter in a bowl, add the sugar and vanilla paste and mix until you get a smooth and homogenous cream. Add eggs, one by one, and mix well after each added.
  3. Add the cold milk to the butter and egg mixture and mix, at low speed, until homogeneous.
  4. At the end, add the sifted flour and mix with a spoon to obtain a homogeneous composition.
  5. Powder the blueberries with flour and then remove excess flour. Add them to the dough and stir carefully.
  6. Fill three-quarters of the mould for muffins with dough.
  7. Bake the muffins in the preheated oven at 180° C for 20-25 minutes, or until they are evenly browned. I baked mine at 180° C for 30 minutes, so it’s best to check the oven from time to time.


I topped mine with some caramel.


Enjoying some blueberry muffins with a view.

Voilà! You baked some delicious and easy muffins. Enjoy!

All images from this post are taken with my Sony Xperia XZ 😊

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