The Importance of Seeded Fruit

Eating fruit is not only a delicious and tasty treat, but is also incredible good for you! But when it comes to eating fruit it's extremely important to make sure your fruit has SEEDS.


As I've mentioned in previous posts sticking to Dr. Sebi's nutritional guide includes cutting out and hybrid foods and only eating naturally occurring foods from the earth. Hybrid foods are high in starch (a binder) and thus create mucus buildup in the body. And mucus is the beginning of any disease. In addition to not eating hybrid foods (such as carrots, beets, kiwis, pineapple, etc) it is vital that the natural, mucusless foods you choose to consume contain seeds!


When you think about it in the most simple way it makes perfect sense. How do plants grow? From a seed. So if something is SEEDLESS then it can't be natural. Plants needs seeds to keep the life cycle going so when a fruit is lacking seeds, like seedless grapes or a seedless watermelon is has obviously been altered by man. These means that even if a food is technically approved by Dr. Sebi, don't eat it if it's seedless.

Unfortunately this makes finding both grapes and watermelons in the states nearly impossible. But every once in a while you'll get lucky. Shopping at farmers markets is always a good way to find organic and seeded watermelons. As for the grapes, good luck and let me know where you find seeded ones so I can get some too!

Fruit is the best way to break fast in the morning. It's easy on your tummy, delicious and high in water content. This is what I ate this morning.


Melon, papaya, mango, and wild cucumber (which I had never tried until this trip to Australia). Obviously I devoured it all. Minus the seeds themselves, although many seeds hold incredible health benefits themselves.. something I'll address in a later post.


One last thing on fruit, when you quit eating processed sugar fruit will begin to taste sweeter and sweeter as your tastebuds recover from years of consuming artificial sweetness and came sugar. Fruit is now my candy. And who doesn't want candy for breakfast?

Creeflow on with SEEDS in your fruit.

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