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LeoGlossary: Nuclear Fusion

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Nuclear fusion is a process in which atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy in the process. It is the same process that powers the sun and other stars. Fusion reactions involve the combination of two or more atomic nuclei (usually isotopes of hydrogen) to form a single, heavier nucleus, accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy. This energy can be harnessed and used to generate electricity, for example in a fusion power plant.

The most commonly discussed fusion reaction is the combination of hydrogen-2 (deuterium) and hydrogen-3 (tritium) to form helium-4 and a neutron:

D + T → 4He + n

This reaction releases 17.6 MeV of energy, which is more than three times the energy released in the fission of uranium-235 (the reaction used in nuclear power plants).

Fusion reactions have several potential advantages over fission reactions:

  • Fusion reactions produce no long-lived radioactive waste, as the products of the reaction are stable isotopes that can be easily handled and disposed of.
  • Fusion reactions are much less likely to produce a runaway chain reaction, as the reaction is much more difficult to sustain than a fission chain reaction.
  • Fusion reactions can be designed to produce less radiation overall, as the reaction can be controlled to produce fewer neutrons.

However, fusion reactions also have some significant challenges that must be overcome in order to harness them for practical energy production. For example:

  • Fusion reactions require the fuel to be heated to extremely high temperatures (around 150 million degrees Celsius) in order to initiate and sustain the reaction.
  • They are very difficult to control and maintain, as the reaction is highly sensitive to changes in temperature, pressure, and other conditions.
  • Fusion reactions require the development of advanced materials that can withstand the extreme conditions inside a fusion reactor.

Despite these challenges, researchers continue to work on developing practical fusion reactors, and several experimental reactors are currently being built around the world. While it is difficult to predict exactly when fusion power will become a practical reality, many experts believe that it could play a significant role in the world's energy mix within the next few decades.

Nuclear fusion is a powerful force within the stars and a potential key to future energy production on Earth. Here's a breakdown of this captivating process:

The essence of fusion:

  • Imagine squeezing two atomic nuclei, the tiny cores of atoms, together with immense pressure and heat. In nuclear fusion, this collision overcomes their electrostatic repulsion, allowing them to merge into a single heavier nucleus.
  • This merging releases a tremendous amount of energy, millions of times more than burning fossil fuels. The energy bursts from the conversion of a tiny bit of mass into pure energy, according to Einstein's famous equation E = mc^2.

Stars, the masters of fusion:

  • Our Sun and all other stars shine brilliantly due to ongoing nuclear fusion at their cores. Hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium, releasing the light and heat that sustains life on Earth.

Harnessing fusion on Earth:

  • Scientists are striving to replicate this stellar process on Earth to obtain a clean and abundant energy source. However, achieving and sustaining controlled fusion reactions is a complex challenge.
  • Current efforts focus on two main approaches:
    • Magnetic confinement: Powerful magnetic fields confine superheated plasma (ionized gas) in doughnut-shaped chambers called tokamaks, allowing fusion reactions to occur. This approach is the closest to commercial viability.
    • Inertial confinement: High-intensity lasers or particle beams compress and heat a tiny fuel target, triggering fusion reactions in an explosive burst. This is still in its early stages of development.

Challenges and prospects:

  • Building and operating fusion reactors requires advanced technology and significant energy input.
  • Maintaining stable plasma conditions and efficiently extracting the released energy remain hurdles to overcome.
  • Despite the challenges, the potential rewards are immense: a virtually limitless, carbon-free energy source can revolutionize our energy landscape..


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