[CR] Subtle Beauty Over The City


Photo by B D Miller ~ Subtle Beauty Over The City

Today I Just Happened To Be ..

In the right place at the right time. I was ten stories up, and above all of the rooftops within my line of sight. I happened to peer out a window, while in this building, and took notice of the high clouds parting in almost a straight line across the sky. When I finished what I was doing, I made my way to a common area balcony in order to take a quick photo of the scene before me. It was a different perspective than what I am used to. My feet are usually planted firm on the ground or near ground level, so to be 10 stories up was a real treat. Most of the areas around where I live and work, do not have super tall buildings. When I get a chance like today, I like to take advantage of it and break for a quick look at things from up high.

The More I Stood There ..

The more I realized the beauty in what I was looking at. The sole fact that I was so high, was cool enough; add in the colors of the building and the break in the sky, then the beauty presented itself. There were so many different colors of brick buildings, painted buildings, and buildings with stucco. They didn’t contain dramatic pops of color, just enough that I took notice of them. One building in particular, towards the middle and right within the photo, was painted a light blue/green color. This building drew in my eye, primarily because it compliments the color of the blue break in the skyline. It’s subtlety along with the overall historic feel of the whole city, makes me smile.

Soon After Taking The Photo ..

The clouds closed in, and erased what was once there for me to admire. I am glad that I was in the right place at the right time today. I am also glad that I took the time to step out onto the balcony to get that photo. I sort of made my day. On a Monday, back at work after an extended holiday, made the moment even more appreciated.

Here is the original photo before any tweaks or adjustments.


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