Do not stop climbing luisapercefield

Gabriel García Márquez, in his last letter, writes in one of the paragraphs ... "Many want to reach the top, I have discovered that the best is climbing ..."



Sometimes the dynamics of life prevent us from seeing clearly, either because of the weight that each one carries in his load; as for example: We give power to scenes, people from the past which have been very marked, in other occasions the presence and effect of their own limiting beliefs and, therefore, the difficulties of life that we take as motives -usually- of frustration and reinforcement of "I can not ..."

Therefore, I understood that life has two faces in itself ... when we see it rough and when we see it beautiful ... depending on the belief about it, it will be like that and, in that dynamic, we will lead our existence ... in this way, we will assume it and, in the same way, it will appear before us ... What can we do then?

First define it ... for some years I decided to see the positive in everything ... including life itself ... and you know! my life experience turned 360 degrees; including the management of my attachments and, the way I carried my interpersonal relationships.

The second thing I discover is that I must maintain the standard or the rhythm of that change and, at that moment, I understood my neurolinguistic functioning ... not only do I realize that emotional management dominated my life together with my commitment, with the religious community to which it belonged ... but it had inadequate paradigms ... in this scenario I began to value my personal potential, which did not have to be conditioned to any false belief. On the other hand, my neurological being - created by God - was still part of the faith I was experiencing ... This dimension of discovery: - I - faith - God and my functioning ... it's great ... it nourished me and gave me a consistent quality of freedom.

The third: A change leads to another change, but it also offers me the option of assuming a rigid attitude ... because I opted for flexibility and, today ... I try at an appropriate pace ... what else can I change. ..

Gabriel García Márquez was right ... climbing is better!

The dynamic of life is full of meaningful learning that directs your walk in it; In addition to giving you the opportunity to "be and look" which is great ... It is essential to have clear objectives ... know and. until you taste, what are your dreams and ... of course ... in that versatility of life ... get the best out of it so that step by step (which focuses and directs you towards your goals) you can make contact with every being, experience and unforeseen eventualities that life begins to offer you, spontaneously, to nourish and make you more and more ... more free ...

Jesus, the Son of God, in the Bible (Gospel according to John 14: 6), describes himself: "I am the way, the truth and the life" ... What a delicious life it is to live with these principles and tools of personal excellence! ... Try ... and you'll see ...!

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