Help my cousins battle against multiple brain tumors

 A cry for help for my Cousin.

Mrs Jestina Mwamukonda, in the beginning of February 2018, was diagnosed with multiple brain tumors that will result to multiple surgical procedures and prolonged ICU care with guarded prognosis. This has resulted  to a prolonged hospital stay .
Costs for her medical administration are expected to go beyond a  30,000 USD.  This is a huge financial implication that has prompted us to seek for help to save my cousins life

Family and  close friends to family ( nuclear and extended) have already been involved heavily , especially at the initial stage as her condition was rapidly deteriorating  and it was  a matter of emergence that she had to be taken to India for immediate medical attention. She is currently laying in  the ICU, at Apollo Hospital in Bengalore, india, accompanied by her mother and sister. No photos allowed in the ICU so i was not able to get any of her in her current condition, but here is one of her right before her first surgery , together with her sister Mercy.

we are seeking for immediate help as $30K +++ is a hefty amount, and Tinas condition is unstable ,progressively declining . Fund raising by various family members is already ongoing via various social network platforms, Those who are linked up with me on facebook can attest to this as i have this banner all over my time line and profile.

it is being used by mostly people in Tanzania , and within East Africa. I will be creating a youcaring donation page for her soon as i am done with this post done with this post. will edit and place link .

All funds raised on this will be directed towards her medical bills and Healthcare costs .
Jestina is in a prime stage of her life when this life threatening condition happened. She is full of dreams, very hard working, and nurturing.
"Tina", as we call her at home is also a friend, sister, daughter , wife and a mother to Sophia, a sweet three year old girl.


Your support is key in reaching the financial Goal to save my cousins  life.
We thank you in advance for your support, your support is greatly invaluable .

A simple thing as an upvote will in this case do a noble cause helping towards Jestinas welll being. 

i earnestly also ask you to resteem this post , to reach as many people as possible. 

Thank you soo much for your time, and mostly for your contribution. 

Phot above is of my family, and friends and well wishers as they bid Jestina farewell at J.K Nyerere international airport, on her way to Hospital in India.


 We have managed to set up a fund raising scheme through gofundme initiative. You can follow the link through Facebook and share it with friends. Regards!!

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