Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1171

OCD's support is expanding!

Hello everyone! This is the 1171st compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

How this Works

OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

Curated Posts

Author: @teacherlynlyn
Community: Reflections

Live To Struggle and Survive

I need a break and to breathe. I want to turn off the world temporarily without keeping track of the time. I feel so worn out and confused, but I still have a success story to tell.

The only thing left in my heart is asking when I will ever be happy and when it will be my turn.

Curator: @indayclara

Author: @jenthoughts
Community: Market Friday

Family dinner at Montealto Kamayan

Eating outside is unusual in our family. We consider it as expensive and it is not included in our budget. I can still count in my fingers how many times we eat outside. It seldom happens and if that time comes, I am happy and so is my son.

One day when we were riding on our tricycle, we thought that we were going home straight but the road that my husband drove is a different route. I asked him where we are going? He is just smiling and answers incorrectly until I get an idea that we are going to a restaurant.

Curator: @indayclara

Author: @maitt87
Community: Hive Food

Probando Cervezas Vol. VIII / Tasting Beers Vol. VIII

Greetings to all my friends from Hive and this great community as Hive Food is! We continue on our delicious journey tasting different types of beers both domestic and imported and today I bring you two that are great, one of which I am excited to share with you.

Curator: @lauramica

Author: @josdelmi
Community: Plant Power (Vegan)

(Esp/Eng) Dulce de piña y coco (piñacocada) bañadas con semillas de ajonjolí // Pineapple and coconut candy (piñacocada) coated with sesame seeds

Today I wanted to prepare a delicious recipe to enjoy this dessert at home: Dulce de piñacocada (coconut with pineapple) bathed with sesame seeds.All my family likes it and the house is fragrant to prepare it, we love this sweet, I almost always do it, although I avoid preparing it, because it makes me eat it all day and the sweet is bad in excess.

Curator: @lauramica

Author: @callmesmile
Community: Loving HIVE ❤


Hive has been my journal, my outlet for sharing my humble travel experiences and showcasing the slow and beautiful life of the countryside, my means for spreading some of the Public-School scenarios, my channel to show my simple DIYs, and most of all my instrument to connect wonderful people and learn from them and be part of a community and so many lovely things to mention. Hive has been my newfound home, my colorful home for 1 year!

Curator: @ybanezkim26

Author: @glorydee
Community: The MINIMALIST

Learning doesn't have to be limited to one field

In my country for instance, the government just placed an order for the immediate removal of the fuel subsidy, this very act has sent a lot of people into depression because of the inflation that followed the removal of the fuel subsidy, starting with the high cost of fuel, food and other basic needs of life, the cost of living became harder, not that it was easy before, the most population affected are those depending on only one source of livelihood, also those who rely on others for most basic kinds of stuff than can be easily done themselves if they for once put their mind into it, they were merely trying to survive on the only thing they knew how to best, now what, they have no other choice than to diversify.

Curator: @millycf1976

Author: @razzi11
Community: HIVE-CON

Mi Superhéroe y Villano Favorito // My Favorite Superhero and Villain

Most of us grew up feeling admiration for some character, be it from Fairy tales, comic books, movies, Anime, series, Villain or Superhero, that character has our attention that makes him or her our Favorite.

I have grown up watching many shows, in all of them I have a favorite character but when it comes to Superheroes there is one in particular that catches my attention, not only for the character but for the actor who plays him to be honest, because he is my platonic love😍 😁.

Curator: @namiks

Author: @marybellrg
Community: Love & Sexuality

Las edades en el amor | Mi opinión [Es-En]

Love is a feeling about which many aspects are debated and about which many opinions are given, all of them diverse and of different tonality. Many things are said about love.

When we decide to fall in love, or maybe it is not correct to say that we decide, love comes just like that. When love knocks at our door, in general, we should let ourselves go and be happy. That would be the most appropriate and acceptable concept regarding this feeling.

Curator: @elizabeths14

Author: @yole
Community: Ladies of Hive

Las imágenes de mi infancia están en mis recuerdos / LOH Contest 136

I was the third of ten siblings born and raised in a rural area of Venezuela, where there was no electricity service until many years later, but I have beautiful childhood memories, especially because it was a very healthy time, there were no dangers like today In any urban area, in the countryside we were isolated from many dangers, so my first memories are being able to play for hours with my brothers in the open air, without any worries because we weren't even close to the road, so there were no sounds of cars or anything, all I heard were animals like goats and birds and other domestic species like dogs and cats. We liked to climb the trees, slide down the soft earth hills and play with almost any object we found, for example food containers and cans, we made like a little house where we had a lot of imagination to play.

Curator: @elizabeths14

Author: @mafalda2018
Community: Literatos

Soy La Erika… | Relato (Es –En)

There is no rest. Day after day I hear them say that they saw me, that Erika, Mr. Agripino's daughter, was responsible. Erika the one who killed Mr. Luis' puppies, Erika the one who stole the eggs, Erika the one who grabbed Lila, the one who killed Lucia's parrot, the one who murdered Pedro, the one who... In short, they blame me for everything, but I don't remember having done any of that and, without knowing it, I earned the name of "La Loca" (The Madwoman). I don't know why all this happens, but what I do know is that every time something bad happens someone shouts that it was Erika. That it was me.

Curator: @elizabeths14

This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

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