Weighing in on Weight Discrimination Propaganda Piece

As a prelude to a much bigger post I'm putting together. I wanted to do a quick dissection of this article I read while sitting at the airport. This type of extremely flawed logic needs to be torn apart frame by frame.

Before I begin though, I'd like to say that I have no issues with fat people. Other than concern for their health and the overall effect that this fat acceptance movement will have on society and the health care system.

Link to article

Excuse me, legislate against it? Really it's come down to yet another group of marshmallow people that can't handle the reality of their lifestyle? The discrimination increased because the amount of obese people increased by a substantial amount. Why don't you focus on that big fat fact? You know what I'd like to see? These fat acceptance advocates, to go over to say Ethiopia and explain to them how bad it is for fat people in the west.

69% of fat people don't like their doctors pointing out that their obesity is killing them. See this is exactly it, that's what it comes down to. Not wanting a reality check.

obesity is a serious health issue it is the direct cause to many health problems and symptoms. And say you do have some illness 'overlooked'. It often requires you taking care of that big fat elephant blocking the way to these other problems with your health. Obesity is exacerbates illnesses and can increase your chances of cancer.

A sore throat? LoL is that the big concern? Your blood pressure is dangerously high and your diabetes is putting your feet at risk. But that's discrimination, so doctors, please only talk about the throat. You callous monsters!

Obsesity medicine? Sounds a bit discriminatory. Don't you know that you can't treat their obese patients any differently? The fact that is has its own course just shows you how big (no pun intended) the problem really is.

Weight bias is not ingrained in modern society, it's ingrained since the dawn of humans. In order to survive you needed pick the fitest, smartest mate and breed with them. (Fat people weren't a thing back then).

I disagree about television, I believe it's depiction of fat stupid people is actually done to normalize these types of people in society. Followed by a commercial for some genetically modified carcinogenic toxic junk food.

See how that works?

Tess Holliday Cosmopolitan Cover = NWO NORMALIZING MORBID OBESITY

All those things are affected by diet! Also if it's your anti-depression drugs making you fat. Stop taking them! Maybe it's time to understand why you are really depressed because most of the time, it's diet related.

Like with all these discrimination laws they do nothing but chip away at our free speech laws. What 'action' will it stop to legislate against weight discrimination? Doctor recommendations for Exercise? Healthy eating? Will airlines no longer be able to make you book two seats because that's hate speech?

You just won't be able to promote healthier options to obese people in desperate need to lose weight. It's just more insanity from the new world order/agenda 2030 programming,

It's like people forgot that you can't trust the media. F.Y.I. Propaganda is legal. That's being pushed every single day, every article pushing 1 or more of these kinds of narrative. The fat acceptance movement is dangerous to a western civilization already severely overweight to begin with.


Thanks for reading. If you are obese and read this. I hope you're a not like one of these marshmallow people, that cry for legislation against words. I hope that your skin is a thick as your waistlines are. Take care of yourselves.


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