All The World's A Stage - We've Been Going Through! Why There Won't Be Nuclear Holocaust & How To Use The Triggers...

Ever since I learned that most wars are deliberately engineered for reasons other than stated publicly and which typically tend to be just for financial gain of the industries involved or for population control (or both) - I have to view the world political war machine through different eyes..

While there is no doubt that millions (of innocents) die in these wars, they are seemingly always set up to involve conflict only between groups who do not both have nuclear weapons - ensuring mass death without total annihilation.

Many have speculated whether the psychopaths in charge of these war machines will one day trigger a huge war and then hide in their vast underground city bases (D.U.M.B.s - Deep Underground Military Bases) as M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) ramps up above ground. To some extent this is a question of just how brainwashed the militaries are and just how insane and gutless they are in their bootlicking subbordination to control hierarchies... It also depends to some extent on how much of a death wish they have and how heartless they are.

The issue of unconscious death wish is what this all boils down to and in the collective unconsciousness, we may be surprised at just how close to home such a death wish is. How many times have you heard someone say "I want to die" or "Just kill me" - as if it is a joke? but sometimes these phrases are keying in to something that is certainly not a joke at the deeper level.

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When we hold down emotions, we create suffering and imbalance. Karma is the process of drawing experience from which to learn so as to cause balance and healing. It is entirely possible to draw karmic triggers that are intended to cause denied terror and rage to move and our degree of consciousness in this process can make the difference between healing and tragedy.

When we are told that 'world war 3 is about to start' - how do we feel? Do we feel anything at all?
What if we give in and let go of our mental control and just feel our real emotions in response? What if we scream and rage in private (safely)? Will we feel better? Will the emotional movement cause ripples of change in the mass consciousness that lead to a greater peace and emotional stability?

I have heard it claimed that a truly spiritually balanced person can survive anything - including a nuclear blast. I do not know if that is true, but since there is only one field of energy in existence, it makes sense to me that 'somehow' we might be able to change our essence such that massive explosions do not harm us. I suspect that if we can do this, it will only be possible after having made radical and powerful shifts to our own energy, including our own emotions - such that we are not longer 'stuck' in physical form. (Something for us to ponder there, for sure!)

Regardless of what is and is not possible for us ultimately, we can each feel the difference that real emotional expressions make in our own feeling self and in our own state of mental health. When emotions are given full acceptance, instead of continued rejection and unlovingness, they feel calmer and more balanced. This calm and balance are exactly what is needed now on Earth and once they are more common, the reflections in the form of potential nuclear annihilation will cease to be presented.

For now, by feeling everything we can that is triggered and that is real for us, we do the perfect amount of work to help bring peace to the planet. We don't need to get these 'world leaders' around a table and 'talk sense' to them - we only need to lead our own world by allowing our own real felt senses to emerge and to begin to process the emotional energies that have been denied for so long and which effect and influence daily life constantly, but in denial and out of mind.

There will not be nuclear annihilation, no matter what the TV presenters claim - the apocalypse is only a revealing - not a destruction!

Much love!

Ura Soul

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