Bill Nye: ‘Abortion Is Like Squishing A Bug’

Bill Nye the "Science Guy'" has been mortified online by a genuine researcher after he was discovered gushing pseudo-logical gibberish, endeavoring to persuade young ladies that "prepared eggs are not human".


"Women deserve more reproductive rights, not fewer," says dynamic video site Big Think, which re-altered, re-designed, and posted the video Nye initially recorded in 2015.

"And scientific facts should inform our laws, says Bill Nye The Science Guy," Big Think includes the subtitle under the video.

Nye proceeds in the video that the thought that a prepared egg is human mirrors "a profound absence of logical comprehension." He guarantees that human life does not happen until the treated egg is embedded in the mass of the mother's uterus.

"You literally don’t know what you’re talking about," he includes.

National pro-life pioneer David Bereit, in any case, has recorded a reaction to Nye in which he challenges the "Science Guy's" genuine logical learning.

In spite of naming himself the "Science Guy", Bill Nye does not really hold any capabilities in science. All things considered, David Bereit, a genuine researcher, could convey the merciless beatdown that Bill Nye so lavishly merited.

Bereit, who got a college degree in biomedical science and had involvement in the therapeutic science field before turning into a star life lobbyist, cites from the American College of Pediatricians:

"The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception/fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in which to grow and develop.

"When a human egg is fertilized by a human sperm, a new human being is created,” Bereit, an advisor for Students for Life of America, summarizes. “That is scientific fact."

He additionally reprimands Nye over his view that human life requires implantation in the uterine divider.

"If you really believe that, you would clearly oppose abortions occurring after implantation, which is nearly all abortions,” Bereit asserts. “Instead, you went on to advocate for abortion and condemn those of us who work to actually protect those lives implanted in their mother’s uterine walls."

Bereit additionally challenges Nye and different progressives like him on his deceptive proclamation, "You can't guide some person."

"Wasn’t that exactly what your video did?” he asks Nye. “You told us to disregard scientific fact about the beginning of human life; you told us to not pursue life-saving laws."

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