Police in New York may soon be able to download your smartphone activity in seconds


Tyler Durden at www.zerohedge.com just posted an article about a new bill making its way through the New York legislature. This law would allow police to plug drivers' phones into tablet-like devices (called "textalyzers"), following traffic "incidents" (broken tail light, suspicious activity, etc?).

The printout would show exactly what the driver was doing, and when. Under the guise of determining if the driver was texting while driving, which is illegal in New York, it would however also include every "click, tap, or swipe, it would even know what apps you were using".

In my experience, safety and convenience are the two main pretenses used by the government to strip away our freedoms. In addition, although I'm not a "techie" I have to wonder how long until the technology exists, or if it already does, to be able to do this remotely without having to plug in the "textalyzer".

If this bill passes, it will be interesting to see how long until other states also pass similar legislation.


Steem on, my friends!

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