Canadian Freedom Convoy, Battle Over the Narrative and False Flags..


As many of you may already be aware there is protests going on in Canada initially started by the nations transport workforce that we affectionally refer to as "truckers" up here, you know, the guys who drive highway tractor / semi trucks that do a huge amount of driving to get goods from point A to point B. There was a large group of these folks who decided to stand up against the vaccination mandate they were having pushed on them due to the governments of Canada and America stipulating that they must be vaccinated to do cross province and cross border trucking routes.


The resulting "throwing down the mitts" so to speak of the trucking community has also sparked rest of people fed up to begin really expressing themselves and joining in on the freedom protests.. Gotta say I'm pretty damn proud of Canada's population for beginning to stand up for themselves and begin the necessary protesting / possible revolution needed for things to begin to start going back to normal.. Lord knows waiting for the feds to feed everyone a hundred boosters ain't seeming to return things to how they were or better.

Wanna Know What a False Flag Looks Like?

Now reports are that this group of lovely individuals, who were not seen prior or after this photo was taken seemed to have the media coverage you see waiting for them in the general location they briefly marched up and down before getting the hell out of there. Which screams to me that this was a psy-op performed by agents in the federal government to try and demonize the protesters as a whole, inferring that it's all racists and bigots protesting while attempting to turn the rest of the population against them.

Another blatant example of the "divide and conquer" tactics not only being used by the Canadian Government but also other governments around the planet at the moment.

Currently there is a massive push in the media to attempt to discredit the truckers and others protesting at the nations capital in Ottawa, Ontario. The sociopathic globalist fuckstains behind this massive global tyranny flex are panicking as they realize that even those who were previously entranced or spooked into compliance are starting to "wake up" and realize what is going on is fishy.

The massive and obvious attempts for the government / main stream media to polarize the population of Canada against the protesters is laughable at this point, anyone with half a brain realizes the likelihood of a bunch of Nazi truckers being the ones responsible for getting these protests going is just ridiculous. This is blatant attempts at manipulating the narrative.

Canadian Prime Minister Goes into Hiding...


Roughly 2 days before the trucker convoy was scheduled to roll up on the nations capital the Prime Minister of Canada made a public announcement that he'd be taking some time to recover from alleged "covid exposure" and has since then not been seen at his place of residence or anywhere else, also taking his immediate family into hiding with him.

Turdeau going into hiding as the people stand up and take their protests to parliament hill is 100% an admission of guilt of wrongdoing in my opinion. Taking his family with him underlines this.

Leaders making best decisions for their country historically have not had to hide from protests!

The fact of the matter is this spineless tyrant pussy is probably scared and hidden in some bunker or undisclosed location as he's realized the "gig is up" with protesters streaming in from the provinces of Canada to finally say "enough is enough". I won't be surprised in the slightest if he's not seen until after the protests are successful and the draconian bullshit going on up here in Canada begins to subside.. Even then, I don't believe by the end of all this that we'll won't be trying these government folks in a new Nuremburg.

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