Online “Predator” Catchers? Stop Confusing Teenagers With Toddlers!

When I was in my late teens and had first started working in the city, there was this one co-worker of mine named Dimita. She was clean-cut and level-headed. She always dressed professionally at the office. She and I got to be good friends while we were both working in the same office.

Back then Dimita was 20 years old, and she was married to a 24-year-old man. She had known her husband all her life. She told me that she had first had a puppy-love crush on him before she was a teenager. Then once she entered her teenage years, she started dating him; and they became serious. By then, she was 13 or 14 years old, and he was 17 or 18 years old. There was an age difference between them of at least four years. However, they had always cared about each other. Therefore, the age difference had never been a problem for them or even for their respective parents.

After Dimita went to work for another employer, she and I never saw each other again; and I regret to this very day that I did not keep in contact with her, because she was one of the more pleasant co-workers of mine at the place that she and I had worked together. I would not doubt for one minute that she and her husband are still happily married and always will be.

When I was in high school, I knew this one classmate of mine who was an immigrant from South Korea and he was dating a 15-year-old girl. This classmate of mine was either 19 or 20 years old, and he was a senior at the time. I had first met him when he and I were juniors. Other classmates of mine knew about the age difference between him and his girlfriend, but we never had any problem with it. You love whom you love.

Nowadays people are becoming more and more alarmed than in years past whenever they find out that a middle-school or high-school girl has a boyfriend four years her senior. However, what happens when a middle-school or high-school student hooks up with someone of the same gender who is four years their senior?

A.  Online Vigilante Organizations and “Predator” Catchers Are Beginning To Resemble The Witch Hunters Of Seventeenth Century New England

The other night I came across this one YouTube channel of a vigilante organization in Texas known as the Predator Patrol. The head of this same organization is Jordan (spelled phonetically). He is only 19 or 20 years old, believe it or not. He is looking to be the next Chris Hansen. What clearly stands out about the videos on his channel is that they are all video-recordings of sex-sting operations in which Jordan and his organization intercept adult men meeting up with underage adolescent boys for sexual intercourse.

Now, I am not gay. Therefore, I am not going to pretend that I have a firsthand knowledge on how the entire gay dating scene works. Also, I am not going to put angel wings on any of the suspects in the two videos embedded below, because, after all, it is somewhat tacky that they are seeking sexual relations with complete strangers who are not yet legally old enough to vote in a presidential election here in the United States of America. I would never ever encourage any teenager to have sexual intercourse with someone whom they hardly know, young or old.

It is apparent that one thing that these suspects are not looking to do is to get anyone pregnant. However, I don’t believe that each and every one of them are looking to harm anyone either. Some of these sex-sting operations involve scenarios that Chris Hansen and his television crew would never have entertained back in the days of “To Catch A Predator” on Dateline NBC. If Mr. Hansen were to see some of these videos, he would be the one having a seat to take a shot of vodka to calm his nerves after witnessing some of the mindboggling things that these vigilantes do.

I also do not like to badmouth online “predator” hunters and online “predator” catchers if I don’t have to do so, because I figure that they may be doing the public some good if they can stop another Amanda-Todd tragedy from occurring. However, I do have mixed feelings about their activities, and I did find a considerable number of questionable actions on the part of Jordan and his vigilante organization in the videos of his that I did view. For example, in the YouTube video below, Jordan and his organization intercept a 20-year-old man who is at a Walmart to meet up with a boy who is only four years his junior.

Predator Patrol Scolds A 20-Year-Old Man For Seeking Sexual Contact With A 16-Year-Old Boy

Now, I am not saying that Jordan is incorrect in stating that a 16-year-old minor is jailbait to a 20-year-old man in the state of Texas. However, I don’t think that a 4-year age difference between an adult and a minor qualifies anyone to be a child predator.

In the above video, the suspect tells Jordan that the statutory age of consent is 16 years old in his home state of Michigan. Jordan tells him that it is higher than that there in Texas where they are. The suspect complains that he was unaware that the statutory age of consent was higher in Texas than it was in Michigan. Jordan urges him to read up on the laws in Texas.

The sex-sting operation becomes ridiculous when Jordan tells this one woman in the store to protect her toddler son from the suspect because the suspect was there to meet up with a 16-year-old. Okay, Jordan. Just because this man wants to have sexual intercourse with someone four years his junior, it doesn’t mean that he is going to develop the sudden urge and desire to commit unspeakable acts against a toddler. The little boy that Jordan pointed at didn’t look any older than perhaps 2 years of age. Therefore, Jordan’s video quickly changes into a needless pedophile-panic political campaign.

Jordan keeps calling the suspect a child predator. However, anyone with enough intelligence knows that there is a major difference between a teenager and a toddler. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a 16-year-old child molestation victim. Nonetheless, Jordan continues to call the suspect a child predator and emphasizes that this suspect had wanted to meet up with a 16-year-old “kid.” Oh, brother!

By Jordan’s standards, John Walsh, the co-founder of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, would be a child predator inasmuch as he first hooked up with his wife, Revé Drew Walsh, when she was 16 years old and he was in his early twenties. It would be kind of like accusing Reverend Al Sharpton or Reverend Jesse Jackson of wanting to become honorary members of the Ku Klux Klan. It simply doesn’t make any sense.

Jordan? Keep at it and you might get one of these suspects their own television talk show as what happened with Joey Buttafuoco after he served time behind bars for having an unlawful sexual relationship with Amy Fisher back when she was 16 years old. YouTubers in the comments section of that same video even complained to Jordan that he and his vigilante organization went too close in age difference between the suspect and the decoy.

The most that Jordan accomplishes with this sex-sting operation is that he gets a female manager furious at him for causing a scene in her store and scaring off the customers. She scolds him and calls the police on him twice. Nonetheless, he still has the audacity to accuse her of harboring a “child predator,” and he argues with her.

Quite frankly, I’m on the side of the store manager, because the 20-year-old suspect was there to meet a 16-year-old boy rather than a SIX-YEAR-OLD boy. Jordan later on describes her with vulgarities and insults as he vents his frustrations about her through a great portion of his video, which goes to show you how unprofessional he and his vigilante organization are.

Jordan does have a follow-up conversation with that same female store manager. He tells her that the suspect had come there to Walmart to meet up with a “16-year-old LITTLE BOY!”

Jordan? Do yourself a favor. If you have a 16-year-old cousin, don’t go buying him a box of Pampers for Christmas. He’ll think that you have a screw loose. Most 19-year-old men do not view 16 years old as being a little kid. So, what’s Jordan’s problem?

Anyhow, the store manager tells Jordan that she doesn’t want him harassing the customers in her store anymore. She insists that he not record anything while he is causing all the ruckus that he did. After he walks away from the store, he badmouths her again. He complains that there are people in this world who won’t let it become a better place and that she is one of them, but he is the one who was way out of line with her.

Jordan belches at some point during the video. He could have easily edited that one gross exhibition out of the video. Chris Hansen would never have done anything like that on “To Catch A Predator” on Dateline NBC back when it was still on the air. Jordan sniffles so loud at one point in his video that you have to wonder if he has ever used a tissue to blow his nose in his entire life. Some of the people in his vigilante organization talk like space cadets. Even Perverted-Justice was more professional back in the day than these clowns are, and that is not saying much about them.

The police do confront Jordan and his vigilante organization, and they admonish them about their actions in pursuing the suspect. Jordan attempts to explain his actions.

During the video, Jordan explains to his audience that his sex-sting operations are not “police-sanctioned busts.” In other words, he can provide the video footage to a detective at the local police department for an arrest warrant to be issued against the suspect, but the uniformed police officers cannot arrest anyone on the spot for the alleged offense. It is interesting that Jordan makes this statement, because the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, is somewhat fanatical about passing laws in his state jurisdiction to allow for vigilantes like Jordan and his organization to get away with whatever they do in their sex-sting operations no matter how outrageous their actions are.

It cannot be overlooked that Jordan and his organization use the fact that they are in the Bible Belt to their advantage in terms that every sex-sting operation of theirs involves a gay adult man seeking to hook up with a teenage boy. Now, whether Jordan and his organization use this advantage fairly or unfairly is a matter of personal opinion. The fact that they have this pattern shows that they are well aware that the environment of homophobia that may exist in some of the towns they go to may very well go in their favor if and when these suspects are arrested. The LGBT community will not likely allow for this detail to get past them without them having at least something to say about it.

Upon reading the comments section for this same YouTube video, what I found so interesting is that YouTubers fiercely argued with one another over whether or not an age difference of 4 years was normal or should even matter when the younger party in the sexual tryst is a teenager still in school. I find it quite hypocritical how many self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts never appear to have any problem with the fact that Corey Feldman dated a 14-year-old girl back when he was 18 years old as described in my Hive-Blog article titled “Is Corey Feldman A Pedophile?

YouTuber Michael Lachnicht shot his mouth off in the comments section of that same video, and he stated:

For those saying 16 isn't a child the law disagrees: "Legally, the term child may refer to anyone below the age of majority or some other age limit. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as "a human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier".

People like Mr. Lachnicht get me laughing whenever they cite some garbage that the United Nations has thrown out to the public, because the United Nations has no moral high ground to determine whether or not adolescents of any age are still children inasmuch as many United Nations peacekeepers have forcibly raped prepubescent children throughout the years on that institution’s watch. All you have to do is surf around the Internet, and you will come across article after article about United Nations peacekeepers sexually brutalizing small children.

Jordan does nothing to hide the fact that he is another brain-dead self-appointed pedo-expert when he responds to YouTuber Deoxyribonucleic’s argument that “16” doesn’t make you a pedophile, and Jordan argues back that it does. Wow, Jordan! Do you mean to tell me that you think that John Walsh is a pedophile?

What is particularly disturbing about Jordan’s YouTube videos is that each one of them start out with a cartoon picture of a naked little girl sitting on an old man’s lap. However, in not even one of his videos is there a sex-sting operation in which he and his organization of vigilantes stop a man from sexually molesting a little girl who has not yet even entered into middle school or high school.

There is another similar YouTube video in which the Predator Patrol attempts to shame a 19-year-old man for trying to meet up with a 15-year-old boy that he had chatted with on a gay dating application called Grindr. The suspect’s name is Chandler. You can watch this same YouTube video below.

Predator Patrol Approaches 19-Year-Old Man For Trying To Hook Up With A 15-Year-Old Boy

Once again there is an age difference of merely four years between Chandler and the teenage boy with whom he wanted to hook up. This scenario is not the same thing as a serial child rapist grabbing a toddler off of a playground. Society could even go as far as discounting this scenario as civil disobedience at worst.

While Jordan and his colleagues are scolding Chandler, Jordan starts firing off his mouth about how “15-year-olds don’t have the complete development in their brain to make the right choices.” However, Robert Epstein has refuted this same myth in a publication of his titled “The Myth of the Teen Brain.”

Regardless of what Jordan may believe, a 15-year-old boy or girl does not have the mind of a slug, and their heads are not going to drop off if they have sexual intercourse with someone slightly older than them. What greatly concerns me is that there are people out there who are stupid enough to buy into his rhetoric as evidenced by some of the posts that appear in the comments section of this same YouTube video.

Jordan and his colleagues go around in circles, insisting that somehow having sexual intercourse with someone four years their senior is going to damage a 15-year-old’s life. However, they never really come up with any kind of substantial facts that would support their beliefs that somehow a 15-year-old having sex with another 15-year-old will magically make everything all well, whereas a 15-year-old having sex with a 19- or 20-year-old will unleash a myriad of psychological problems on that adolescent that last for a lifetime. It comes down to the fact that they are merely spewing a load of Puritanical malarkey to get others to buy into their make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection that will never ever exist in our nation no matter how hard social justice warriors and societal fundamentalists attempt to create one that is real.

Jordan makes it a point that teenage kids like to hang out with older people. Well, Drew Barrymore did have friends in their twenties back when she was 15 years old, and she ultimately turned out fairly well. It doesn’t take very long for Jordan’s so-called point to fall apart.

Jordan and his vigilante colleagues ramble on about how Chandler needs to find someone his own age. If he was looking for a teenager only four years younger than him and he is a teenager himself, I would hardly accuse two Generation-Z’rs in this respect of having an unhealthy relationship or friendship.

Jordan continues to insist to Chandler that even a 4-year age difference in a sexual relationship among teenagers would ruin an adolescent’s life forever, and he claims that he is basing it on studies that he read during his collegiate years. However, he does not offer any names of any experts or anyone who may have come up with such nonsense. Moreover, Jordan would not be any further along in his collegiate education than perhaps his sophomore year in a college or a university. Jordan doesn’t even specify how Chandler would have psychologically damaged a 15-year-old boy for life.

The poor audio of the above YouTube video demonstrates how unprofessional Jordan and his vigilante organization are. They are definitely amateurs in that they resort to the usual scare tactics and shaming techniques against Chandler that similar vigilante organizations and groups like them employ.

Now, I completely get it. American parents have been indoctrinated to believe that allowing their underage adolescent offspring to mingle romantically with someone four years their senior is asking for trouble. However, Chandler is not the serial child rapist that Jordan and his vigilante organization attempt to make him out to be. Also, if you are a parent, I can assure you that your teenage son would be in much greater danger in the company of someone like Fleece Johnson than he would be in the company of Chandler and the other suspect from the preceding YouTube video that Jordan and his vigilante organization posted on YouTube. Underage boys are being locked up with adult men in penal facilities all over our nation as described in Jason B Truth’s article titled “Jill Holtzman Vogel’s Defeat Was Virginia’s Victory”.

Also, I’m just as anti-pedophile as most people who watch these same YouTube videos are, but I feel that any deviation from the definition of pedophilia that appears in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (“DSM-5”) is a recipe for massive libel and slander as well as defamation of character. Even Chris Hansen once sat down with a television crew for his television show “To Catch A Predator” of Dateline NBC and explained the importance of not misusing the term “pedophilia” to mean anything other than what it is.

By setting up these sex-sting operations to go after individuals still in their teenage years or barely in their twenties who are attempting to hook up with minors four or fewer years younger than them, Jordan and his vigilante organization are sailing into dangerously gray waters. Some of you may remember the story about Kaitlyn Hunt that came out of Florida seven years ago. I describe her situation from back then in detail in Part 2 of my Hive-Blog article titled “Meet A Hysterical Self-Appointed Pedo-Expert.”

B.  Kaitlyn Hunt’s 2013 Arrest For Having Sexual Relations With A 14-Year-Old Girl Stirred Up Controversy Over The Draconian Statutory-Rape Laws In Florida

After Kaitlyn Hunt was arrested for having unlawful sexual relations with her then-14-year-old girlfriend when she was 18 years old, it became no secret that she pushed the boundaries further than even the two suspects in both Predator Patrol’s aforementioned YouTube videos. The news clip in the YouTube video below shows that Ms. Hunt got arrested while she was awaiting trial for her first criminal matter involving her then-14-year-old-girlfriend, because she had transmitted lewd photographs of herself to her then-14-year-old girlfriend, among other things.

Kaitlyn Hunt Had An Additional Confrontation With The Law This Time For Internet-Related Crimes

Nonetheless, Ms. Hunt still continued to receive as massive amount of support from the public at large as she did before. She even received support from this one controversial organization called “Anonymous.” The news clip in the YouTube video below provides details regarding their role in this situation.

Anonymous Was Willing To Move Mountains To Free Kaitlyn Hunt From The Long Arm Of The Law

A major reason that Anonymous decided to get involved in this situation was because they felt that Ms. Hunt was a victim of homophobia. Jordan and his vigilante organization, Predator Patrol, should be concerned that Anonymous could begin to target them also because of the closeness in age difference between their suspects and their decoys and the fact that their suspects are all gay.

Even though The Young Turks of YouTube have regularly been all in favor of tough statutory-rape laws in our nation, surprisingly, many of them rallied on camera in support of Ms. Hunt. I may not be a fan of The Young Turks, but I do have to commend them for standing up for Ms. Hunt in that they believed that she was a victim of a severe miscarriage of justice. Ana Kasparian and other people in The Young Turks voice their viewpoints in three different YouTube videos below.

The Young Turks Became Kaitlyn Hunt’s Biggest Advocates

C.  Online “Predator” Catchers Live In The Delusion That All Decent People Agree With Their Beliefs In Spite Of Evidence To The Contrary

I viewed yet another video of the Predator Patrol baiting a man who wanted to meet up with a 14-year-old boy. The YouTube video of that same sex-sting operation can be found below.

Predator Patrol Confronts A 26-Year-Old Man Wanting To Have Sex With A 14-Year-Old Boy

Okay, Jordan. This time you caught a 26-year-old man trying to meet up with a 14-year-old boy for a liaison. Therefore, the local prosecutor will probably have no issue with the age difference when your video footage reaches his or her desk. However, you should have kept your sex-sting operation focused on the law and only on the law.

Where Jordan really goes off the rails in this sex-sting operation is that he accuses this suspect of being a pedophile, even though the suspect is not pursuing a prepubescent child in a sexual manner but rather a teenage boy. That is, Jordan engages in what is called mendacious pedo-shaming.

Jordan? You stated in another YouTube video of yours that you took college classes in psychology. Therefore, you should know better than to call someone a pedophile who truly isn’t one. You can’t simply point your finger at someone and accuse them of being a pedophile, and magically they become one. No, it doesn’t work that way. For someone to be a pedophile, a competent mental-health professional has to diagnose them formally as one. You could face the same unpleasant legal fate as Elon Musk for doing so, Jordan.

Jordan speaks to the suspect as though Jordan is some kind of preacher for the Westboro Baptist Church. What I find so interesting about our nation is that it seems that an adult virgin can get into more trouble for attempting to meet up with a non-existent 15-year-old boy or girl off the Internet than a sexually promiscuous adult can do so for having sexual intercourse with a real 12- or 13-year-old minor or for even crashing a rave full of middle-school students.

Jordan’s actions as well as the actions of his vigilante organization, Predator Patrol, only go to show you how the state jurisdictions throughout our nation direly need statutes on their law books requiring these online “predator” catchers to obtain a private investigator’s license before being able to conduct sex-sting operations. If Jordan and his colleagues were required to obtain a private investigator’s license per each of them, then they would either have to bring their sex-sting operations up to a professional level or leave the business altogether. However, they should not be able to have the same legal freedoms as bounty hunters.

Jordan? If you really want to pursue a real sexual predator there in Texas where you reside, go after Isaac Frausto. He got a 13-year-old girl pregnant. Yes, I know. He’s the same age as her. However, considering how much damage he has done to his baby mama (Maddie Lambert) and how he has exploited his own daughter, he deserves to be nailed to the wall on whatever crime you can catch him committing. I describe how he and other deadbeat teenage fathers like him are even worse than suspected online sexual predators in my Hive-Blog article titled “Could Deadbeat Teenage Fathers Be Worse Than Suspected Online Predators?

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children will put out fear-mongering public service announcements on television like the one below about 20-something-year-old men lusting after pubescent and adolescent girls in a sinister manner. The public service announcement in the YouTube video below was filmed over ten years ago, but it is still shown regularly on television channels throughout the United States of America.

The National Center For Missing And Exploited Children’s Public Service Announcement Regarding Internet Safety Involving Teenagers

I would like to see a public service announcement from that organization of a girl the same age as the one in the above-cited public service announcement and for them to show her in a maternity gown and with tears in her eyes. Instead of showing a man in his twenties, they could show a 15-year-old boy bragging to his friends in a boy’s locker room about how he scored with this underage girl and how he ruined her life. However, we all know that such a public service announcement would never air on television, because too many social justice warriors and societal fundamentalists would accuse it of being politically incorrect and they would harp on about how they believe that such scenarios are merely normal adolescent behavior. Adult men are always being blamed for all the problems of teenage girls and even pre-teenage girls nowadays.

I also stumbled upon this one YouTube video from a vigilante organization known as Predator Catchers Alliance. The head of that vigilante organization is Ramy. He is Egyptian American, and he is in his mid-twenties. He and his vigilante organization operate mainly in New Jersey. In the sex-sting operation in that same YouTube video, Ramy confronts a 25-year-old man named Jay inasmuch as Jay is seeking to hook up with a 14-year-old boy for sexual intercourse. You can watch it below.

Predator Catchers Alliance Have An Involving Conversation With A 25-Year-Old Man Regarding His Intentions To Hook Up With A 14-Year-Old Boy Off The Internet

Ramy repeats the same scripted sermon that he gives all of the suspects he confronts in his sex-sting operations. It seems as though most of these vigilantes you now see on YouTube use the same script over and over again all over the United States of America and Canada. Ramy keeps accusing Jay of being a “child predator,” even though Jay was pursuing a liaison with a teenage boy rather with a prepubescent child.

Ramy warns Jay that if he is arrested for violating the statutory age of consent there in New Jersey, he will be denied bail and obliterated in jail. However, Jay looks like a tough man, and he probably would survive jail as easily as Joey Buttafuoco did when he had to serve time for a statutory-rape conviction for his affair with Amy Fisher. Moreover, we cannot really predict the fate of penal facilities throughout our nation inasmuch as human-rights activists are currently pressuring elected officials to release all of the inmates from jails and prisons in every state jurisdiction because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ramy employs a similar argument as Jordan did in his above-aforementioned confrontation with Chandler in which he tells Jay that “children” of 14 years of age are not developed to their fullest mental capacity. I find myself constantly questioning what shady shrinks are making money off of that same argument. I am glad that Robert Epstein challenged it with his research, because that argument gets overused despite that it is apparently not conclusive.

What is so interesting about Ramy’s argument that teenage “kids” do not have the mental capacity to make informed decisions is that prosecutors throughout our nation never seem to have any problem trying teenage minors as adults in criminal court cases. People in our criminal justice system and the likes simply want to have their cake and eat it too.

Ramy preaches that he is 25 years old and that he would never one day wake up and decide that he wanted to have sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl. Maybe you wouldn’t do so, Ramy. However, there are other situations that you can fall into inadvertently as what happened to two men your age back in 2008 when they became sexually involved with Alisha Dean. I provide the details to that incident in my Hive-Blog article titled “Should Statutory Rape Be A Strict-Liability Offense?

Even in situations where the 20-something-year-old man knows how old the teenage minor is, sometimes his brain may tell him “no” while his heart continues to tell him “yes.” Because adolescent girls are becoming precociously developed at younger ages than they did decades ago, nowadays it is so easy for a young adult man to find himself caught in a moment of weakness before he even knows what has hit him. The heart does what it wants rather than what society expects it to do, and a man’s hormones only compound such a feeling.

Jay’s sister, Tiara, eventually joined the conversation between Jay and Ramy. Ramy told his colleagues not to put Tiara on camera, but they did so anyhow.

Interestingly enough, after Ramy accuses Jay of being a “child predator,” Tiara complains to Ramy that she doesn’t appreciate him branding her brother with that misleading label. Tiara argues that even though she doesn’t condone her brother’s actions, there are adolescents out there who are willing to have sexual intercourse with adults. Tiara stresses that she doesn’t like Ramy misconstruing the scenario at hand as though Jay would forcibly rape a 14-year-old boy.

Tiara further argues that even though she is not saying that Jay is right or wrong, at the end of the day, youngsters become sexually active as young as 12 years old and they stray outside their peer circles in search of sexual intercourse on their own volition. Ramy sharply disagrees with her. However, Tiara insists that she knows a couple of juveniles who fit such a description.

Ramy preaches back to Tiara that sexually active 12-year-old boys and girls should remain within their own peer circles in search of intimacy and not stray outside of them to hook up with people that are 10 or 15 years older than them. Tiara then argues that there is a big difference between what should be and what actually is. She claims that she knows adolescents as young as 12 years old who have actually sought sexual relationships with adults as old as 32 years of age.

Ramy argues that if someone is over 18 years of age and has sexual intercourse with an adolescent below the statutory age of consent, then that person automatically becomes a child predator. However, I do agree with Tiara that society does not have the right to treat it all as one cold mathematical equation despite that some YouTubers in the comments section of this video complain that they feel that Tiara is enabling her brother’s naughty behavior. Then again, trying to argue this point with a self-proclaimed child advocate or a self-appointed pedo-expert is like trying to win an argument with a psycho-Christian that all suicides don’t get casted into the lake of fire to burn and be tortured for all eternity.

Ramy yells at Tiara and tells her not to justify Jay’s actions. However, anyone can clearly see that Ramy looks frustrated inasmuch as Tiara is not afraid to speak up to him and disagree with him about his Puritanical ideologies regarding adult/adolescent sexual intimacy.

Tiara gets sick and tired of hearing all of Ramy’s verbal attacks against Jay, and she tells her brother that it is time for them to go back into their house. As they are walking back to their residence, Ramy and his colleagues continue to hassle them. Tiara finally tells them to leave them alone after Ramy pulls an apology out of Jay to the community.

An unknown woman walks out into the open from one of the houses. Ramy then tells her that Jay is a “child predator” who wants to meet up with a 14-year-old boy. The woman briefly looks at Ramy and his colleagues in an uninterested manner and goes about her regular business.

D.  Online “Predator” Catchers Often Reek With Greed In Their Actions

It should be noted that Ramy and his vigilante organization monetize their YouTube channel. They have an Instagram account and a Patreon account where they request donations on a regular basis. They also sell merchandise on their YouTube channel. They have numerous inventive ways of raking in money and profiting off of their sensationalistic activities. Therefore, we have to suspect that they had dollar signs in their eyes upon deciding to go into the vigilante business.

There is even a video in which Ramy is complaining about a conflict he had with the head of another vigilante organization like his over their moneymaking techniques in conducting their sex-sting operations. It goes to show you that these self-righteous busybodies are not out there to spread their so-called “public awareness” but rather to make an easy buck off of our nation’s defective and Draconian statutory-rape laws. When you watch the YouTube video below of Ramy ranting on about this same conflict of his, you begin to realize that he couldn’t care less about teenagers engaging in promiscuity with significantly older sex partners.

Ramy Describes His Conflict With Alex Of The Predator Poachers Concerning Moneymaking Matters

I frankly do not believe that Ramy, Jordan or any of these online “predator” catchers are true to their stated causes to protect the youth of the world from evil. If I were to ask any of them to go to South Africa to save the Afrikaner children from suffering rape and torture at the hands of Zulu gangs, they would most likely coward out of agreeing to do so. If they really wanted to wage a genuine war against child abuse, instead of wasting their time on battling cross-generational liaisons involving teenage minors, they would be fighting to reform the defective inheritance laws throughout our nation to protect anyone who has suffered incest or child abuse or both at the hands of their parents or other elders from someday becoming homeless and destitute. I guess they have no interest in doing any of these other things, because there is no money in it for them.

What greatly baffles me is that most of these vigilantes will pressure the suspects they intercept in sex-sting operations to obtain therapy from a mental-health professional that these vigilantes have already chosen for them. Then these vigilantes turn around and get these suspects fired from their jobs. It has me questioning from where they expect the suspects to get the money to pay for their therapy. Now, in Canada, it is no big deal, because the suspects can rely on Universal Healthcare to pay for their therapy. However, because the United States of America has a privatized health insurance system, I can see where it could become a financial problem for these suspects.

My suspicion is that many of these men here in the United States of America who get caught in these sex-sting operations and submit to the demands of these vigilantes in the form of therapy are ending up on Medicaid and on other public assistance programs. Therefore, in that sense, these vigilantes are draining our welfare system only so that they can profit off of their videos of their sex-sting operations. In that respect, they are definitely not acting in the public’s best interest.

It surprises me that these vigilante organizations and groups have not found their way to patrolling telephone chat lines, because there are minors that frequent them too according to an article that Richard Leonard published on the ChatlineGuide website. Many of these vigilantes know how to mimic pubescent and adolescent voices. Therefore, they would have no difficulty at all in pulling off a sex-sting operation through one of these telephone chat lines.

Nevertheless, I have to say that if these vigilante organizations and groups really want to stop real child predators and child molesters from misusing the Internet to commit their crimes, they need to lay off on all the teenage stuff and start going after lowlifes who sexually prey on prepubescent children. The Surrey Creep Catchers up in Canada once actually pursued a sexual predator who was seeking to molest a 4-year-old girl sexually as shown in the YouTube video below.

Doctor Predator Wants To Have Sex With A 4-Year-Old Girl

E.  The Etiology Behind Gay Teenagers Hooking Up With Older Sex Partners Is Much More Complicated Than American Society Cares To Realize

Now, I don’t want to come off as a liberal extremist. However, there is much more to it than what is meeting the eye with respect to the fact that pubescent and adolescent boys are hooking up with significantly older men over the Internet. What apparently is going on with pubescent and adolescent boys who are gay is that they have no outlet to hook up with their same-sex peers on a non-Platonic basis in most public school systems of our nation. Most public middle schools and high schools throughout our nation never hold gay dances or have any social groups for gay students. As far as private schools are concerned, they don’t accommodate anyone whom they feel that they don’t have to do so.

The average 14- or 15-year-old gay boy has no way of knowing whom he can trust whenever he becomes romantically interested in a boy the same age as him in his school. If a gay boy that age musters up the courage to tell another boy in his school that he is interested in him as more than only a friend, he could be risking the possibility that the boy that he likes will go berserk on him and will beat him up with the help of friends. Such a situation could even turn deadly for a gay boy that young. Homosexual teenage minors simply do not have the same resources that heterosexual teenage minors do to find a significant other from their own peer circles in most cases.

Now, if I were to look at this issue from the same standpoint as all of the social justice warriors and societal fundamentalists who simply do not believe that non-exploitative adult/adolescent relationships exist, which is not easy for me to do inasmuch as I know that their beliefs are not true in that respect, I would have to say that the only way really to stop underage gay adolescents from seeking older sex partners on the Internet would be for society to give them the resources they need in order to be able to hook up with people their own age on a non-Platonic basis. If a homosexual 14-year-old boy has no way of knowing which boys in his school are gay or heterosexual, he can only be expected to go searching for non-Platonic relationships on the Internet. If he does so, then he is more likely to hook up with a significantly older man than with someone his own age, because he has no way of knowing that the prospective non-Platonic partner with whom he is communicating on the Internet is the same age as him or older than him. Dan Savage has even given lectures on this topic.

If society does not provide the necessary resources and tools for gay adolescent boys to find love within their own peer circles, then society really has no right to complain about them hooking up with older men on the Internet. Now, what causes older men to become interested in having sexual relationships with underage adolescent boys? Because I am not gay and I do not have a full understanding of how the gay dating scene works, I cannot really answer that question. Only a gay person could give you the answer to that same question.

F.  My Conclusion To This Topic

Chris Hansen and Perverted-Justice may have presented themselves initially to have pursued a noble cause once “To Catch A Predator” of Dateline NBC first aired on television so many years ago. However, they actually opened Pandora’s box, because now our nation and Canada both have an infestation of amateur copycats of Chris Hansen and his television crew. Elected officials throughout our nation and in Canada need to pass laws that would require that these online vigilantes obtain a private investigator’s license so that needless problems do not continue to ensue as described in my Hive-Blog article titled “Dating A 15-Year-Old Girl Is Not A Crime!” Online “predator” catchers should not have the same freedoms as bounty hunters.

American society can continue to be concerned about gay pubescent and adolescent boys meeting up with older men they meet on the Internet. However, unless these youngsters are provided with resources and tools to hook up with people their own age on a non-Platonic basis, they will continue to seek out sexual relationships with significantly older men. It’s as simple as that. Our society has to learn how to get beyond its white-picket-fence fantasy world and start living in the real world.

Meanwhile, it is my prediction that if online “predator” catchers were each required to obtain a private investigator’s license, then probably many of these vigilante organizations and groups here in our nation would vanish altogether inasmuch as most of them are likely in the business that they are in for the fame and the fortune rather than to spread their so-called “public awareness.” At the same time, the statutory-rape laws and statutory-age-of-consent laws are constantly falling under attack because of incidents like the one involving Kaitlyn Hunt in Florida back in 2013.

Let’s abandon the delusion of ever turning our nation’s way of life back into a rerun of Leave It To Beaver, and let’s bring our laws and our societal norms into the twenty-first century. Otherwise, our society is going to be confronted with more problems than we had before because of social justice warriors and societal fundamentalists who disguise themselves as heroes as described above.

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