Meet A Hysterical Self-Appointed Pedo-Expert [Part 2]

[Please Read Part 1 Of This Article Before Reading The Segment Below]

D.  Perez Hilton’s Comments About Ariadna Juarez’s Dating Relationship With Damian Gurrusquieta Had A Suspicious And Insincere Nature To Them

For those of you who don’t know who Perez Hilton is, he is a celebrity gossip columnist. The public first took widespread notice of him when he asked Miss California a question about gay marriage in his capacity as a judge in the Miss U.S.A. beauty pageant back in 2009 and he got an answer from her that he did not like. Miss California believed that she was cheated out of the Miss U.S.A. crown because of Mr. Hilton’s disapproval of her answer to him. Here is a YouTube video that shows that same incident below.

Perez Hilton Was A Judge In The Miss U.S.A. Beauty Pageant Back In 2009

Not too long thereafter, Mr. Hilton interviewed with the media about that incident, and he expressed his misgivings about Miss California on camera. The YouTube video below shows an interview between him and MSNBC.

Perez Hilton Explains His Actions As A Judge In The 2009 Miss U.S.A. Beauty Pageant

In the next video below, Mr. Hilton was not as calm and collected as he was in his interview with MSNBC. In that same video, he is found expressing his anger toward Miss California as he talks about his role as a judge in the 2009 Miss U.S.A. beauty pageant and his reasons for voting against Miss California.

Perez Hilton Uses Profanity To Describe Miss California In the 2009 Miss U.S.A. Beauty Pageant

Although Mr. Hilton did not present himself as being stupid or ignorant in the above video, he could not hide the fact that he is both hypersensitive and volatile toward anyone who does not share his viewpoints about societal values. That is, he uses his intelligence and wisdom for the wrong purposes, which is somewhat sad when you think about it. Anyhow, the YouTube video below shows what Mr. Hilton had to say about Ariadna Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian Gurrusquieta.

Perez Hilton Expresses His Viewpoints Regarding Ariadna Juarez And Damian Gurrusquieta

In his above video, Mr. Hilton is quite vocal about how he feels that Ariadna Juarez even consorting with Damian Gurrusquieta is wrong. I commend him for saying nothing hateful in his comments about Ms. Juarez. However, one aspect about his statements does trouble me, and I’m working up to it herein.

Now, I absolutely find homophobia to be revolting and appalling. People love whom they love. It is not my intention to state anything derogatory about the LGBT community in any of my Hive-Blog articles. However, what I will not stay quiet about is anything that I suspect to be a form of reverse prejudice or bigotry. In other words, as there will be individuals from minority groups that hate Caucasian people, it is also possible for there to be gay people out there who are heterophobic and express their hatred toward heterosexuals in a furtive manner; and, in figurative language, a certain aspect about Mr. Hilton’s behavior regarding Ms. Juarez and the likes stands out to me as an elephant in the room. In this particular case, I find it all so interesting that despite that Mr. Hilton had so much to say about Ms. Juarez in terms of how he condemned her dating relationship with Damian, he had absolutely nothing to say about a 19-year-old Florida woman named Kaitlyn Hunt who admittedly had unlawful sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl back in 2013 despite that the press and the media gave her news story nationwide coverage.

Kaitlyn Hunt Was Arrested Back In 2013 For Having Sexual Intercourse With A 14-Year-Old Girl

Mr. Hilton was quite active in voicing his opinions about such news stories back in 2013; but after the sex scandal involving Kaitlyn Hunt’s liaison with a 14-year-old girl hit the press and the media, he maintained his silence. Perhaps he kept his silence regarding that news story out of loyalty toward the LGBT community, but, nevertheless, he does not get to apply a double standard against Ms. Juarez or any other heterosexual teenage girl who is legally old enough to vote in our nation’s presidential elections. If he strongly believes that Ms. Juarez had no business hanging around a 13-year-old boy when she was 18 years old despite that she never had sexual intercourse with that boy, he is only projecting his own image as that of a hypocrite by having kept his mouth shut about Kaitlyn Hunt back in 2013. If he actually believes that Ms. Hunt should have gotten a get-out-of-jail-free card because of her sexual orientation, which I don’t think he would be stupid enough to admit, then he is way, way out of line.

Ariadna Juarez denies ever having had sexual intercourse with Damian Gurrusquieta, and there is no conclusive evidence to show that she broke any laws in her state jurisdiction in that regard. However, all of these self-appointed pedo-experts in the YouTube community have been out to persecute her since her romantic feelings for Damian first became publicly known. On the other hand, Kaitlyn Hunt ADMITTED that she had sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl while she herself was legally an adult, but instead of chastising her and ostracizing her, many YouTubers such as The Young Turks who would normally have called someone a pedophile for doing what she did were all ready to pressure legislators in Florida to soften up the statutory-rape laws in that same state. There was even a Florida state senator who introduced a bill to the Florida legislature in Tallahassee for that same purpose because of Ms. Hunt’s criminal case. The YouTube video below provides details in this regard.

Florida State Senator Thad Altman Seeks To Reform The Statutory-Rape Laws In His State Jurisdiction

Kaitlyn Hunt had a whole team of supporters and sympathizers who were begging the Governor of Florida to issue her a full gubernatorial pardon, and many of them were YouTubers; and it was only because she was gay and they felt that the criminal justice system had discriminated against her on the basis of sexual orientation. On the other hand, even though Ariadna Juarez and Damian Gurrusquieta are virtually the same number of years apart in age difference as Ms. Hunt and her underage lesbian lover were and Damian was a minor in his early teens like Ms. Hunt’s 2013 underage lesbian lover when he first started dating Ms. Juarez, in figurative words, a lynch mob of YouTubers have come together in a crusade to send Ms. Juarez to prison when they have no evidence that she ever broke the law. Nobody ever really accused Kaitlyn Hunt of grooming the 14-year-old girl with whom she had sexual intercourse back in 2013. The court of public opinion, especially the part of it that has a presence on YouTube, appeared to believe that the criminal justice system was the perpetrator of a crime rather than Ms. Hunt herself and that the law was in the wrong rather than Ms. Hunt after she was arrested on the sex-related charges. It appears that many of the same people who sympathized with Ms. Hunt back in 2013 are so ready to accuse Ms. Juarez of having groomed Damian Gurrusquieta simply for getting out on the dance floor with him on a series of harmless dates.

Perez Hilton took part in all of this same hypocrisy by expressing his disapproval on camera of Ms. Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian after he kept his silence about Kaitlyn Hunt back in 2013 despite that her story was everywhere in the press and the media. Ms. Hunt admitted to having had sexual intercourse with a girl below the Florida statutory age of consent, whereas nobody has produced any condemning evidence that Ms. Juarez ever had sexual relations with Damian. However, YouTubers are treating Ms. Juarez as though she were a two-headed monster despite that she never committed any crime, whereas YouTubers were giving Ms. Hunt a pity party back in 2013 despite that she clearly broke the law. Somehow that scenario just doesn’t sit well with me, and I’m sure that many of you reading my article here feel the same way.

Now, I’m not saying that I don’t feel sorry for Ms. Hunt in terms of how harshly the authorities treated her, because she never really did anything to hurt the young girl with whom she had sexual relations. The 14-year-old girl who had sexual intercourse with her was a completely willing partner in the act. However, if anyone reading my article here is going to preach to me that the law is the law, then stop branding Ms. Juarez as a sexual predator while you give Ms. Hunt a pity party at the same time; because Ms. Juarez was not the one who committed a crime. This hypocrisy has to stop.

Before anyone in the LGBT community gets angry with me for injecting Ms. Hunt’s name in my article, let me first tell you that I realize that Ms. Hunt’s situation back in 2013 was an unpleasant one for everyone involved, to say the least. It bothered me to see Ms. Hunt break down in tears whenever the judge presiding over her criminal matter would give her bad news about her case. Then again, it also disturbed me to see the 14-year-old girl’s mother on the verge of a nervous breakdown in the courtroom on the few occasions that the media showed her and her husband on camera, because we all have to realize that she had no idea that her 14-year-old daughter was sexually attracted to the same gender and she was taken completely by surprise. It was a lose-lose situation for everyone involved. Below are a series of videos on YouTube in which Ms. Hunt interviewed with the media to give you the full story of what unfolded during that whole ordeal back in 2013.

Kaitlyn Hunt Interviews With The Media Regarding Her Case

Kaitlyn Hunt Participates In A Lengthy Jailhouse Interview With A Seasoned News Reporter That Is Shown In Four Parts On YouTube

Ms. Hunt complained in her jailhouse interview above that she never felt that her 14-year-old girlfriend’s parents’ decision to prosecute her was ever about the age difference between her and their daughter; but she felt that it was really about their desire to keep their 14-year-old daughter away from a lesbian relationship, because they subsequently allowed their underage daughter to date an 18-year-old man. Throughout this same interview, Ms. Hunt insisted that she was not the bad guy in this whole ordeal but rather the criminal justice system was to blame. She told the news reporter that she, with the help of others, was going to fight to change the statutory-rape laws in Florida after she got out of jail, so that nobody would ever have to fall into the same circumstances that she did. In any event, Perez Hilton never posted any videos on YouTube about Ms. Hunt’s situation nor did he even make any television appearances to give his input about it back in 2013, but five years later he took no reluctance in condemning Ariadna Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian Gurrusquieta despite that Ms. Juarez maintained her innocence regarding any accusations that anyone has made against her of sexual misconduct.

E.  The Aftermath To Ariadna Juarez’s Dating Relationship With Damian Gurrusquieta Has Not Been Kind

At this point in time, Ariadna Juarez is no longer in contact with Damian Gurrusquieta because of ongoing social pressures from the public. However, people still harass her on social media because of her previous dating relationship with the young man. In the YouTube video below, she is found expressing her anger and frustration of having to read and listen to all the garbage that self-appointed pedo-experts have been spewing at her.

Ariadna Juarez Speaks Her Mind Regarding The Court Of Public Opinion’s Harsh And Biased Viewpoint Of Her

What still bewilders me to this very day is why Kaitlyn Hunt got a pity party back in 2013 after she was arrested for having unlawful sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl, whereas nobody seems to want to listen to anything that Ariadna Juarez has to say to prove that she never engaged in any sexual misconduct with Damian Gurrusquieta. If Ms. Hunt gets to use the “love” defense as an excuse for her sexual involvement with a 14-year-old girl, it does not seem fair that Ms. Juarez cannot even get anyone to take her previous feelings for Damian seriously. Whenever there is an element of adolescent sexuality involved in any criminal offense, it appears as though someone can get into more trouble with the law for having intimate thoughts about an underage adolescent than they can for actually engaging in sexual intercourse with one here in our nation. At least that appeared to be the double standard that got applied when you compare Ms. Juarez’s situation with Ms. Hunt’s situation. Moreover, whenever a celebrity signs on as a crusader against “pedophilia,” so to speak, as in the case of Corey Feldman, nobody seems to drag out his past youthful indiscretions as an adult with underage girls. Self-appointed pedo-experts also seem to have the most hypocritical way of addressing these same issues.

In a nutshell, YouTuber Ready To Glare, YouTuber Tea By Ali, YouTuber Sanders Kennedy, Perez Hilton and others like them all acted like a kangaroo court with Ariadna Juarez. It’s like the lyrics of the song in the video below.

The Song Titled “Kangaroo Court” By Capital Cities

If YouTuber Ready To Glare, YouTuber Tea By Ali, YouTuber Sanders Kennedy and Perez Hilton all four really cared about children and about their safety and well-being, they would be spending less time stalking and harassing individuals like Ariadna Juarez and they would be spending more time trying to get laws passed in every state jurisdiction of our nation to reform the very defective inheritance laws. There are parents who are sexually brutalizing their children and doing horrendous things to them, but nothing ever seems to get done about changing the inheritance laws throughout our country to ensure that these same kids will not end up destitute and homeless someday after they become adults. Only two jurisdictions in the entire United States of America have laws on the books that prohibit parents from disinheriting their children under any circumstances. Those two jurisdictions are Louisiana and Puerto Rico. YouTuber Sanders Kennedy whines in his video about Damian Gurrusquieta’s mother telling him to do something more constructive with his mission to protect children than pry into her family’s life and Ariadna Juarez’s life; but if he actually were to take her advice in that respect and reach out to state legislators to reform the inheritance laws in the 49 state jurisdictions of our nation plus the District of Columbia where they need to be reformed, then perhaps he would accomplish something that would actually benefit true survivors of child abuse.

After there was an incident in Delaware not too long ago in which a judge gave a Dupont heir a slap on the wrist for sexually molesting his own daughter when she was little and it came out in the news that his ex-wife had to take him to court to get a court order to prevent him from excluding his two children as heirs to his estate under any circumstances, I would think that all of us Americans would wake up and smell the coffee and realize that serious changes need to be made to the inheritance laws throughout our nation so that no abusive father or mother will ever be legally able to disinherit their children. This same Dupont heir is also suspected to have sexually molested his own son when he was little. Nobody has the right to call themselves a child advocate if they are completely ignoring the fact that incest survivors and people who suffer other forms of child abuse at the hands of their parents are ending up homeless and destitute because of all the psychological damage that has resulted from it and because their parents have wrongfully disinherited them.

Assuming just for the sake of argument that Damian Gurrusquieta was sexually active at the age of 13, each and every one of you still have to ask yourselves if it would have been better if he had hooked up with an 11- or 12-year-old girl instead of Ariadna Juarez; because if he had done so, he probably would have gotten her pregnant. Would that have been a better outcome for him than dating an 18-year-old woman? I’m not saying that Damian would ever become a deadbeat teenage father. He looks like a proper gentleman who would stand by his lady regardless of how difficult times got for both him and his girlfriend in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. However, nobody can really argue that getting a girl his age pregnant and becoming a father at his age would at least have some kind of devastating impact on both his future and the future of the underage girl he got pregnant.

F.  My Conclusion To This Topic

Even though American society may not be as accepting of the kind of dating relationship that Ariadna Juarez had with Damian Gurrusquieta back in 2018 as other cultures may do so, there is no evidence that Ms. Juarez committed any sexual misconduct against Damian back when he was 13 years old. Their wedding plans for when Damian was to be 15 years old is a moot subject now inasmuch as they are no longer together. I believe that if perhaps the court of public opinion had not continued to subject them to needless social pressures, they still would have been together and their dating relationship could have possibly flourished into a successful marriage and a family someday. For a group of people who are always found playing by their own rules, self-appointed pedo-experts need to stop shoving their manufactured rules down other people’s throats. The reason that intelligent people tend not to trust self-appointed pedo-experts and almost always disagree with them is because self-appointed pedo-experts are often found violating their own belief system, and self-appointed pedo-experts do not care about the principles of democracy so long as their knee-jerk reactions are taken seriously. What makes self-appointed pedo-experts and the likes as phony as they are is because they spend more time poking their noses where they don’t belong and less time actually helping incest survivors and people who have suffered other forms of child abuse at the hands of their parents to reform the inheritance laws so that none of these people ever have to know the indignities of being destitute and homeless.

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