Meet A Hysterical Self-Appointed Pedo-Expert [Part 1]

If this is the first time that you have read any of my articles, you may be wondering what exactly a self-appointed pedo-expert is. It is a self-appointed expert on pedophilia. That is, someone who believes that they only have to accuse someone of being a pedophile and that person magically becomes one. Such a person doesn’t live in the real world, because they never appear to be concerned that they could be maliciously slandering someone’s reputation or even putting that individual’s life into danger. Self-appointed pedo-experts are obsessed with pedophilia, and they often make telephone calls to the authorities to lodge frivolous accusations of child abuse and child molestation against individuals who may appear to be slightly beyond high-school age and per chance have been seen in public socializing with a middle-school or high-school student in some way or another. Self-appointed pedo-experts believe that it is completely impossible for an adolescent and a young adult to fall in love with each other and that any social interaction between the two is automatically grooming, when fact has it that these same self-appointed pedo-experts have the most arbitrary interpretation of what grooming actually is insofar as a criminal defense attorney could easily pick apart their arguments related to grooming in a court of law. As there were self-appointed clerics back in the days of the Salem witch trials who terrorized everyday civilians, there is an abundance of self-appointed pedo-experts committing the same injustices here in 2019.

Self-appointed pedo-experts ignore the fact that in order for someone to be a pedophile, either a mental-health professional formally has to diagnose that person as one or that person has to admit to being one. Even if that person commits a heinous sex crime against a child, a mental-health professional would still formally have to diagnose that individual as being a pedophile before such a conclusion could be reached. Self-appointed pedo-experts take a predilection of telling someone whom they suspect and accuse of being a pedophile to seek psychiatric therapy regardless of how unfounded such an accusation is. However, self-appointed pedo-experts are the ones who need psychiatric therapy the most, but they always give themselves a clean bill of mental health without actually going to a mental-health professional who can look into their reasons for obsessing so much over pedophilia as they do.

Self-appointed pedo-experts usually have such a limited vocabulary because of their lack of education and their prospective borderline illiteracy that they often resort to the use of obscene and vulgar language to make their points and arguments to anyone who disagrees with them on a juvenile-justice-related topic. In fact, they have their own intellectually bankrupt vocabulary, and their favorite words beside the obvious ones are “grown-ass man,” “grown-ass woman,” “grown-ass adult,” “old-ass man,” “sick f––,” and “deluded freak,” because they don’t know how else to express themselves and they are unable to articulate their thoughts into words in an eloquent manner because of their limited vocabulary. Their terms “grown-ass man” and the likes are no less offensive than calling an African-American male a “black-ass man” or a 7-year-old girl a “child-ass girl.” However, these self-appointed pedo-experts are too stupid to see the ill of their ways. It is as though they grew up in some drug- and gang-infested slum and were unable to develop their syntax and diction beyond that substandard verbal level of theirs. The irony of it all is that many of them have lived sheltered lives in a quiet bedroom community far outside a city.

Their diatribe against anyone who falls outside the realms of their make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection is usually repetitive and cliché at best. They’re often angry with anyone who refutes their beliefs or contentions, and they frequently demonstrate their inability to carry on a healthy, civilized, and intelligent debate or even a simple conversation with anyone who disagrees with them. What greatly worries me is that way too many people nowadays have been taking these self-appointed pedo-experts way too seriously. Whether any of you want to believe it or not, these self-appointed pedo-experts are turning our nation into a dangerous place; and it would not even surprise me in the least that these self-appointed pedo-experts could be responsible for driving Americans to expatriate and renounce their citizenship.

YouTube has suffered an infestation of self-appointed pedo-experts through the years who are not only promoting their pedophile-panic propaganda, but they are also looking to start trouble in the lives of innocent individuals. Unfortunately, some of those same self-appointed pedo-experts have migrated over to Hive Blog and other similar platforms, and we Hiveans, Hivians, and Hivers are now confronted with loads of pedophile-panic propaganda that we never had to be exposed to before. Herein I am going to introduce you to a YouTuber who perfectly fits the description of a hysterical self-appointed pedo-expert, but, first, I’m going to provide you with some background to my article to give you a full understanding of where I’m taking my arguments. If you’re an American, you’ll want to read my article; and if you’re from a nation other than the United States of America, you will want to read my article anyhow so that you will have the opportunity to compare your society with American society’s perspective of this topic.

Luckily, there are at least some YouTubers who are not buying into these self-appointed pedo-experts’ nonsense. In fact, there are even some YouTubers who are fighting back against it by posting videos about the wrongs of maliciously accusing anybody of being a pedophile for just about any reason. Here is one of those YouTube videos to that effect down below.

YouTuber FresnoUFOCentral Speaks Out Against Anyone Who Falsely Accuses Others Of Pedophilia

When I was 16 years old, my father had a conversation with my mother and me regarding the events in his life during his military service in the United States Air Force. After my father had enlisted in the United States Air Force at the age of seventeen, he was immediately stationed in Tampa, Florida where he remained throughout the duration of his military service. My father revealed to me in that same conversation that when he was 19 years old, he had dated a 13-year-old girl. When he first started dating her, he was unaware of how old she was and vice versa. He explained to me that she had thought that he was only 16 or 17 years old because of his baby-faced looks, and he had thought that she was at least 17 years old inasmuch as she was physically precocious for her age. Eventually, the truth came out about her age when my father received a telephone call from her father. Her father told my father that she was only 13 years old. Surprisingly, the young girl’s father told my father that he would allow for him to go on dating his daughter so long as he followed certain rules that the 13-year-old girl’s parents had expected him to follow pertaining to what their daughter could and could not do because of her age. My father then told my mother and me that, afterwards, he toned down the relationship that he had with the 13-year-old girl. For example, he took her roller-skating, but he was careful not to allow their relationship to become too serious. Eventually, my father and this young girl broke up.

As a 16-year-old boy hearing this story for the very first time, all I was able to say to my father was that he should have continued on with the relationship if he and this girl really liked each other despite their age difference. I added that the young girl would likely have been better off with someone older than with some 14- or 15-year-old punk who would have gotten her pregnant and then bailed on her. As you can see, even as far back as when I was 16 years old, I was well aware that deadbeat teenage fathers were a problem in the United States of America. My father then reminded me that he had been in the United States Air Force back then and he had a certain code of conduct that he had to follow. Three years later, my father revealed to me that he had dated another 13-year-old girl when he was in his twenties while he was still in the United States Air Force. Their relationship or rather courtship did not last forever. However, here is the point that I would like to make.

My father and I have not always agreed with each other on everything. In fact, there have been times when he and I did not get along very well, and I am not someone who has ever cut my father any slack whenever he has done anything of which I have disapproved. Nevertheless, I can call my father a great number of things, but one thing that I could never accuse him of being is a pedophile. As far as I know, my father has never made sexual advances at my sister or my two nieces. He has never been arrested for a sex crime, and his name and his personal information have never appeared on any sex offender registry. Believe it or not, my father is even a fan of John Walsh, who was a co-founder of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Nowadays society appears to be even more critical of couples in which both partners may so happen to be on opposite sides of the legal age line than in years past. This school of thought seems to be something exclusive to English-speaking cultures in industrialized nations. In other words, I am describing stable nations like the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Bermuda, Australia and New Zealand. I am not describing other English-speaking nations that may have collective poverty and an unusually high murder rate.

A.  YouTuber Ready To Glare Is A Glaring Example Of A Hysterical Self-Appointed Pedo-Expert

Back in the summer of 2018, a to-do ignited on YouTube and on other social media platforms regarding an 18-year-old female YouTuber in Texas named Ariadna Juarez who had been dating a 13-year-old boy named Damian Gurrusquieta. Now, I’ve known of Americans to become overly excited about age-gap relationships in which one of the partners was a minor and the other one was an adult. After the actor Doug Hutchison, who was 51 years old at the time, married a 16-year-old girl named Courtney Stodden back in 2011, it was as though we were never going to hear the end of that saga. It made me think of the lyrics to the song in the YouTube video below.

“Does Your Mama Know About Me?” By Bobby Taylor And The Vancouvers

Quite frankly, I don’t believe that Doug Hutchison’s marriage to Courtney Stodden was really anybody’s business. However, when two teenagers who are only five years apart in age difference receive as much hate on social media for merely dating as Ariadna Juarez and Damian Gurrusquieta did, then I become extremely concerned that our nation may be turning into a replica of the despotic society that was depicted in the George Lucas science-fiction movie titled THX 1138 back in the early 1970s. All of a sudden, all of these self-appointed pedo-experts who were condemning Ms. Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian Gurrusquieta have taken it upon themselves to repeal the First Amendment to the United States Constitution that protects people’s rights to assemble, in their minds. These self-appointed pedo-experts are on a mission to segregate older teenagers from younger teenagers every way they can; and if the authorities refuse to help them do so, they appear to want to deputize themselves as law-enforcement officials, for a lack of a better description. Brace yourselves, my fellow Americans, because Big Brother is here on our front doorstep; and it will only continue to get worse if we allow for it to do so.

I am not someone who would ever encourage any parent to hook his or her 13-year-old son up with an 18-year-old woman. However, I know for a fact that the social taboo that self-appointed pedo-experts have apparently manufactured to cause American society to frown upon such relationships is not a worldwide standard by any definition. When my mother and I traveled to Costa Rica so many years ago shortly after I had graduated from high school, we met this one family in which the mother was Costa Rican and the father was Dutch. They had a 21-year-old daughter, a 13-year-old son, and a little girl who didn’t look any older than 8 or 9 years of age. The 13-year-old son’s name was Hans, and one day Hans told me that his father allowed for him to date women over the age of eighteen. You can find out the details of that one conversation in my Hive-Blog article titled “Should Hebephilia Be Reclassified As A Psychiatric Disorder?

There is a self-appointed pedo-expert on YouTube who goes by the user name of Ready To Glare, and she spends an entire video maliciously slandering Ariadna Juarez and falsely accusing her of being a pedophile for dating Damian Gurrusquieta. YouTuber Ready To Glare has titled the video “She’s 18 & “dating” a 13 y/o.” In the thumbnail of the article, YouTuber Ready To Glare has typed “AGE IS JUST A NUMBER BUT SO IS 911,” which is a very sensationalistic thumbnail, I might add. Yes, it is true that age is not just a number, but the statutory-age-of-consent laws should not be treated as one cold, mathematical equation either. However, in this particular case, there is not even a question of whether anyone is guilty of “statutory rape,” because Ms. Juarez denies that she has ever had sexual intercourse with the 13-year-old boy she had been dating.

This is not the only video in which YouTuber Ready To Glare has showered her pedophile-panic propaganda upon her audience in a way that was misleading and even mendacious. She has a whole boatload of videos of this nature on her YouTube channel. However, this one video stands out the most, because the woman she is falsely accusing of being a pedophile is a teenager just like the young boy whom she claims this woman is sexually victimizing. In that same video, YouTuber Ready To Glare does nothing to hide the fact that she is definitely not a fan of the 1971 movie titled Summer of ’42, to say the least about her. Here is her video below.

YouTuber Ready To Glare Gives Her Opinion About Ariadna Juarez’s Dating Relationship With Damian Gurrusquieta

Oh, YouTuber Ready To Glare?! Why do you constantly bring up Chris Hansen’s name in your videos and others like it? He’s a has-been and a washed-up journalist, and he’s in over his head financially because of all the people he has ripped off ever since the National Broadcasting Company (“NBC”) gave him the ax. You’re a YouTuber. Therefore, you should know about those events, YouTuber Ready To Glare. However, you still bring up Chris Hansen’s name as though it is 2006 again and he is still making the big bucks on his television show “To Catch A Predator” on Dateline NBC. You’re a 20-something-year-old millennial who cannot get your head out of the first decade of this century, and already we’re approaching the third decade of this same century. My fellow Hiveans, Hivians, Hivers, and other readers? Keep in mind that I am not generalizing about all millennials herein, but rather I am highlighting the fact that YouTuber Ready To Glare is not a credit to her generation, not even by a long shot.

Throughout her video, YouTuber Ready To Glare complains that Ms. Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian didn’t get enough media attention. YouTuber Ready To Glare is wrong, because it was all over YouTube back in the summer and the autumn of 2018. The story even resurfaced on YouTube in the early part of 2019. YouTuber Sanders Kennedy actually had the nerve to phone the police about it, even though he had no condemning evidence that any actual crime had been committed.

In her video, YouTuber Ready To Glare starts in with her Puritanical rhetoric by calling Damian Gurrusquieta a “victim.” However, Damian has never proclaimed to be any kind of victim. Throughout the video, she sensationalizes the situation by taking writer’s license with the definition of the terms “pedophile” and “pedophilia” in a defamatory manner. Eventually, in her video, she cleans up slightly after herself by injecting the term “ephebophile,” which is nothing more than a social construct rather than an actual psychiatric disorder. Of course, as I have stated in previous Hive-Blog articles of mine, individuals like Ms. Juarez would not appreciate anyone calling them even an ephebophile, because the term still has a nasty sound to it despite that it does not denote anyone as having a psychiatric disorder and is not really meant to be taken as a negative connotation. In reference to YouTuber Ready To Glare’s point about a posted comment that accused Ms. Juarez of being a “child abuser” simply because there was a five-year age difference between her and Damian, I would find it very interesting if YouTuber Ready To Glare were ever to accuse Corey Feldman of being a child abuser. After all, Corey Feldman did date a 14-year-old girl back when he was 18 years old himself. I provide the details of that relationship he had with Drew Barrymore back in 1989 in my Hive-Blog article titled “Is Corey Feldman A Pedophile?” Because many self-appointed pedo-experts and self-proclaimed child advocates cheer on Corey Feldman as some kind of hero in the movement and war against “Hollywood pedophilia,” if you can really give it that label, YouTuber Ready To Glare might end up risking her career on YouTube if she ever were to make a video accusing Corey Feldman of being a pedophile or a child abuser. However, isn’t it so interesting how self-appointed pedo-experts like YouTuber Ready To Glare have no problem applying double standards to their belief system?

Throughout her video, YouTuber Ready To Glare presents these silly clips of Danny DeVito ranting and raving about what could be best described as pedophile-panic rhetoric. In other words, she wants her audience to take her seriously, but the stupidity that she injects into her video makes such an objective less attainable for her. Those clips are really not funny at all, and at best they are offensive exactly like everything else that she says in her video.

YouTuber Ready To Glare complains in her video that Ms. Juarez is dumb for dating a 13-year-old boy and the boy’s mother is dumber for allowing Ms. Juarez to “abuse” her “child.” No, YouTuber Ready To Glare!!!!!!! You are the dumbest of the dumb for making those baseless accusations against Ms. Juarez and Damian Gurrusquieta’s mother and for wrongfully implying that Ms. Juarez is the next Kenneth Parnell. Moreover, you believe that every individual on this planet has the obligation to think exactly the way that you do in order to be intelligent. Luckily, there are many decent people in this world who do not think the way you do in any manner and even sharply disagree with your viewpoints. I am one of those individuals.

YouTuber Ready To Glare eventually makes reference to a video that Ms. Juarez and Damian’s mother had posted temporarily on YouTube to explain the situation involving Ms. Juarez’s social interactions with Damian. YouTuber Ready To Glare argues that the defense that Ms. Juarez and Damian’s mother presented in that same video that Damian was a mature 13-year-old boy holds no water with her. YouTuber Ready To Glare? Did it ever occur to you that perhaps they were trying to highlight the fact that not only was Damian well beyond Tanner Stage 1 but he was also taller than Ms. Juarez? Did it ever occur to you, YouTuber Ready To Glare, that Ms. Juarez and Damian’s mother were trying to convey to their audience that Damian was more streetwise than other boys his age might be? To make the kind of argument that you did, YouTuber Ready To Glare, you present yourself as someone who has lived a very sheltered life and who refuses to think outside of her white-picket-fence fantasy world.

YouTuber Ready To Glare reiterates that Ms. Juarez and Damian’s mother stated in their YouTube video that there has been no sexual contact between Ms. Juarez and Damian. However, YouTuber Ready To Glare refuses to take their word for it, and she brings up the fact that there are pictures on Instagram of Ms. Juarez and Damian kissing. Therefore, YouTuber Ready To Glare doubts that their dating relationship has ever been celibate. YouTuber Ready To Glare obviously knows very little about how the court system works or how it should work in our nation. In any criminal case that goes before a judge, the burden of proof always falls upon the prosecution rather than upon the defense. The defense is always entitled to the benefit of the doubt rather than the prosecution. YouTuber Ready To Glare rambles on about how she feels that Ms. Juarez should be arrested and sent to jail. However, there is no evidence that Ms. Juarez broke any laws. Therefore, there can be no grounds for the authorities to indict her. There is no law against her having fallen in love with Damian Gurrusquieta despite that he was 13 years old. She did not become pregnant with his baby, and there is no proof that they have ever had sexual intercourse with each other. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law here in our nation. However, YouTuber Ready To Glare and other self-appointed pedo-experts like her want to turn our nation into a Fascist totalitarian police state.

YouTuber Ready To Glare gets up on her moral high horse in her video, and she posts the text of the statutory-rape laws in Texas on the upper left hand corner of her video. She stresses that the statutory age of consent in Texas is 17 years old. However, her actions are completely unnecessary, because there is no medical evidence of Ms. Juarez having committed any crime of that nature. The most that YouTuber Ready To Glare achieves is that she likely causes many people to question the fairness and the integrity of the statutory-rape laws in that state jurisdiction in light of the fact that many teenage Texans become sexually active on their own volition from the time they are in middle school, and such activity does not necessarily occur within their own age circles. YouTuber Maddie Lambert once even revealed this fact in a video in which she appeared on YouTube.

Maddie Lambert Gives The Facts About Teenage Sex In Texas

YouTuber Ready To Glare demonstrates how stubborn and opinionated she is upon insisting that there is no other side to this issue inasmuch as she believed that Ms. Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian was “immoral, unethical and creepy.” In essence, she only reveals to her audience that it is either her way or the highway and that she couldn’t care less about anything that anyone has to offer to refute her assertions about Ms. Juarez and Damian’s mother. She even has the audacity to show a clip of a sting operation by the fallen vigilante journalist Chris Hansen. She tries every way to demonize and vilify Ms. Juarez as much as possible, but she really only presents herself as being completely clueless of the actual facts of the matter. Then she finally shows clips of Ms. Juarez’s video that is no longer on YouTube. I did see Ms. Juarez’s video back when it was still posted on YouTube, and I believe that she and Damian Gurrusquieta’s mother did a very good job at conveying the full substance of the situation despite all the hate that Ms. Juarez has needlessly gotten from intellectually inferior members of society.

As I watched the clips of Ms. Juarez’s video on YouTuber Ready To Glare’s video, once again I found Ms. Juarez making every bit of sense in her explanation of her social interactions with Damian Gurrusquieta. In that same video, Ms. Juarez stressed that the fact that she was dating Damian did not signify that they were engaging in sexual intercourse with each other. Ms. Juarez denied that her dating relationship with Damian was sexual in nature. In that same video, Damian’s mother sat next to Ms. Juarez and nodded frequently. Ms. Juarez reiterated what her lawyer had told her about dating a minor. However, YouTuber Ready To Glare actually disputes the words of wisdom in that respect from a lawyer in her video, which shows how very little she cares about the facts. In Ms. Juarez’s video, she made it a point that there was a major difference between a sheltered 13-year-old boy and a streetwise 13-year-old boy, and she considered Damian to be streetwise. Damian’s mother backed up Ms. Juarez’s defenses. Of course, YouTuber Ready To Glare, in all of her tender mercies, rejects such an argument in that she is incapable of seeing anything beyond her white-picket-fence fantasy world or even thinking outside the box for that matter.

Throughout her video, YouTuber Ready To Glare maliciously and slanderously continues to refer to Ms. Juarez as a perpetrator, even though YouTuber Ready To Glare has done nothing to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ms. Juarez has committed a crime. In figurative language, YouTuber Ready To Glare is pathetic in that she presents herself to be a member of the thought police.

YouTuber Ready To Glare makes a colossal stink about Ms. Juarez being reported to have mentioned the possibility that she will marry Damian when he is 15 years old and she is 20 years old. I don’t know how true that piece of information is. However, if it were to happen, Ms. Juarez and Damian would have to travel to another state jurisdiction to make such a marriage legally possible, because nobody can legally wed in Texas before the age of sixteen under any circumstances as of 2016. Moreover, why should YouTuber Ready To Glare even be worried about it? If the two were ever to have gotten married, then the law would sanction a sexual relationship between them from that point on in time.

My great aunt got married at the age of fifteen to a 24-year-old man, and she and her husband were very much in love with each other. Country singer Sammi Smith married a 26-year-old man when she was 15 years old. Country singer Loretta Lynn married a 21-year-old man when she was 13 years old, and she remained happily married to him until his death in 1996. Whether YouTuber Ready To Glare and all her fellow self-appointed pedo-experts like it or not, a 20-something-year-old person is capable of having a meaningful, non-exploitative relationship with a 15-year-old person.

On an edition of Sally Jessy Raphael, a 17-year-old girl talked about wanting to have a baby with her 23-year-old boyfriend. During her interview with Sally Jessy Raphael, she revealed that she and her boyfriend had been in a relationship for two years, which would have made her 15 years old and her boyfriend 21 years old at the outset of their relationship. Was this boyfriend a loser? No, he wasn’t. As a matter of fact, he subsequently appeared on camera and told Sally Jessy Raphael that he felt that it was not a good idea for him and his girlfriend to become parents at that particular time. Therefore, he was actually looking out for his high-school-age girlfriend’s best interest. Sally Jessy Raphael treated him with the utmost respect as she should have, because he conducted himself in a dignified manner. Here is a clip of that same interview in a YouTube video below.

Sally Jessy Raphael Speaks With A Teenage Girl About Motherhood

When referring to Ms. Juarez and Damian in her video, YouTuber Ready To Glare acts as though a 7-year-old boy is being forced into a marriage with a 99-year-old woman. However, Ms. Juarez and Damian have not even walked down the aisle yet, and already YouTuber Ready To Glare is treating a marriage that does not yet exist between them as a prison sentence for the boy. Also, there has been a further development regarding their dating relationship since the time that YouTuber Ready To Glare posted her video, but I will go into that event further on herein.

YouTuber Ready To Glare demonstrates that self-appointed pedo-experts believe themselves to be an authority on telling others how to live their lives. YouTuber Ready To Glare? You do not own these people! Let them live their own lives, and you live yours! You’re obviously jealous of Ms. Juarez, because a 13-year-old boy has given her attention and you obviously don’t have as many young fans as she does. Most of your fan base probably consists of whiny, old ladies who have nothing better to do with their time other than gossip about celebrities. YouTuber Ready To Glare? You insist that Damian Gurrusquieta has the mind of a slug, but there are 13-year-old boys and girls who are smarter than you are and you simply don’t know how to deal with it.

YouTuber Ready To Glare attempts to denigrate Ms. Juarez by showing pictures in her video that evidence nothing except for two teenagers having a good time together. As you were probably able to see in the pictures that YouTuber Ready To Glare showed, Damian is taller and bigger than Ms. Juarez. Therefore, I would hardly call him a defenseless, little boy. Back when I was in middle school, I had a friend named Mike who was as tall and big as Damian; and I was thankful to have him as a friend, because he kept bullies away from me and my school was a rough place. YouTuber Ready To Glare whines that Ms. Juarez and Damian are seen dancing in those same above-described pictures. However, I’ve never known anyone to get emotional scars from dancing. My, oh, my, oh, my! Does it actually mean that Damian is someday going to jump off the Empire State Building to his death, because he danced with a girl five years older than him when he was a teenager? Only in YouTuber Ready To Glare’s deluded one-track mind could such a tragic event ever happen.

YouTuber Ready To Glare emphatically refuses to believe that Ms. Juarez and Damian could ever have a serious relationship with each other despite their proximity in age inasmuch as they are both on opposite sides of the legal age line. Then she rambles on in her video about differences in power dynamics and how it would be so easy, according to her, for Ms. Juarez to manipulate Damian. Assuming just for the sake of argument that YouTuber Ready To Glare was correct in her assertion, it doesn’t mean that it would necessarily happen. If two parties of unequal strength are truly in love with each other, the party that possesses the higher ground will drive the extra mile to ensure that he or she does not take advantage of the party that possesses the lower ground. For example, rich men have married poor women and have not taken advantage of their socioeconomic inferiority.

YouTuber Ready To Glare insists that if Ms. Juarez were an 18-year-old man and Damian were a 13-year-old girl, a witch hunt would ensue. Wow, YouTuber Ready To Glare! You just described exactly what you’re doing to Ms. Juarez! Carrying out a witch hunt against her, that is! And, no, YouTuber Ready To Glare! Despite what you may believe, no witch hunt is ever justifiable. It only takes our civilization backwards to the seventeenth century when innocent women were burned at the stake because of false accusations of witchcraft against them. It is exactly like the storyline behind Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel titled The Scarlet Letter. Such a neurotic school of thought resurfaced again here in our nation in the 1950s when the late Senator Joseph McCarthy falsely accused people of being communists and Soviet sympathizers, and he ruined those people’s lives. We, as Americans, need to stop self-appointed pedo-experts like YouTuber Ready To Glare from taking us all down that same dark, destructive path again. They are more dangerous than religious fanatics.

Nevertheless, out of fairness to YouTuber Ready To Glare, I will elaborate herein about adult men over the age of eighteen who have had romances with underage adolescent minors in the past. Back in the 1980s, when Drew Barrymore was 13 years old, she dated then-18-year-old Keith Coogan; and no witch hunt was ever organized against Keith Coogan. In fact, many people thought that they looked like an adorable couple. In previous Hive-Blog articles of mine, I have mentioned that when Don Johnson was 22 years old, he hooked up with Melanie Griffith, who at the time was only 13 years old. It is my contention that they still would have been married and together if Antonio Banderas had not appeared on the scene. Below is a YouTube video of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith that has pictures of them from when they had first become a couple.

Don Johnson And Melanie Griffith Go A Long Way Back With Each Other

If you look at the pictures of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith in the video above, there is nothing in those same pictures to indicate that any “grooming” or manipulation was going on between the two. Surprisingly enough, YouTubers who posted in the comments section of that same video had nothing derogatory to say about the couple despite that everyone who posted those comments was well aware of the fact that Melanie Griffith was 13 years old and Don Johnson was 22 years old when they first became an item; and they were further apart in age difference back then than Ariadna Juarez and Damian Gurrusquieta are now. Therefore, YouTuber Ready To Glare really has no valid arguments to support her belief that something wrong ever went on between Ariadna Juarez and Damian Gurrusquieta. YouTuber Ready To Glare states that she finds Ms. Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian to be disgusting and gross. However, what is truly disgusting and gross is not that couple but rather YouTuber Ready To Glare’s propensity to demonize anyone whose actions fall even slightly outside the realms of her make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection, and, of course, that is the modus operandi of self-appointed pedo-experts like her. They constantly strive for a world of age-appropriate perfection that could never become a reality.

The police were not interested in Ms. Juarez’s dates with Damian, because Damian never cried “rape” and he had no reason to do so. YouTuber Ready To Glare continues to obsess over how evidence of a crime can be found pertaining to Ms. Juarez’s dates with Damian. Duhhhh!!!!! There is no evidence of a crime to be found, because there has been no crime. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that much out.

Before YouTuber Ready To Glare tries to clean up the world, she needs to clean up her sordid one-track mind. Damian doesn’t want her so-called help or the help of any other self-appointed pedo-experts, because he doesn’t need any such help. HE’S FINE! NOBODY IS TRYING TO RAPE OR ABUSE HIM!

YouTuber Ready To Glare comments in her video that she doesn’t know what is going to happen to Damian years from now after his dating relationship with Ms. Juarez “inevitably falls apart.” She believes that he is going to be suffering from some kind of trauma or emotional scars. No, YouTuber Ready To Glare! You are not a fortuneteller, and you are not a mental-health professional either. Therefore, you cannot make those predictions. Moreover, Damian and Ms. Juarez are currently not seeing each other. Ms. Juarez is seeing someone else. However, it doesn’t mean that Ms. Juarez and Damian may not hook up with each other further down the road. If they hook up five or ten years from now, YouTuber Ready To Glare, are you going to insist that their relationship is still a forbidden one simply because they were on opposite sides of the legal age line the very first time that they dated? Regardless of what they decide to do with their respective lives, it is their choice rather than your choice. Get a life, YouTuber Ready To Glare! Stop being such a busybody! The most you accomplished with your video was to slander Ms. Juarez, and you likely angered Damian for talking about him as though you knew so much about him; when reality has it that you have never even met the boy. I wouldn’t blame Damian if he never wanted to meet you. Also, if I were in Ms. Juarez’s shoes, I’d be slapping you with a defamation lawsuit and I’d be seeking for YouTube to take down your channel.

B.  Self-Appointed Pedo-Experts Live In Their Own World To The Exclusion Of Reality

I have come across a video by YouTuber Van3 T with a title half in Spanish and half in English that shows Adriana Juarez and Damian Gurrusquieta together on different occasions. What is offensive about the title of it is that it asks if Ms. Juarez is a pedophile. Here is the YouTube video below.

Ariadna Juarez’s Dates With Damian Gurrusquieta

What did I see in this same video? I saw two teenagers having a good time and burning up the dance floor. Were they secretly at a rave? No, they weren’t. In fact, there were other adults on the dance floor around them who were noticeably older than them. Therefore, Ms. Juarez would not have had the opportunity to take her dates any further than sharing a few smooth dance steps with a boy who is only a half a decade younger than her. Could they both have had romantic interests in each other? It is possible, and it does seem likely. Ms. Juarez claimed in the video she did with Damian’s mother that there was social interaction between her and Damian but that she never actually had sexual intercourse with him. Even if people suspect that it did happen and there is evidence of it somewhere out there, perhaps it was never meant to be found; and, NO, Ms. Juarez is not a pedophile.

The question of whether Ms. Juarez and Damian actually have had sexual intercourse with each other brings to mind a French married couple that have been involved in the entertainment industry since they were both very young. Their names are Eva Ionesco and Simon Liberati. When they both initially met and developed romantic feelings for each other, Eva Ionesco was 13 years old and Simon Liberati was 19 years old. Many Americans don’t know about this couple’s age difference and how old each of them were back when they first met, because foreign journalists simply won’t report it in their English-language articles about them in fear that such information would be too much for Americans’ Puritanical minds to digest. Also, Simon Liberati is not fair game to any of these self-appointed pedo-experts here in the United States of America, because he has always supported Eva Ionesco in her efforts to seek justice against her mother, Irina Ionesco, for putting her in child pornography when she was only four years old. In a nutshell, conventional wisdom holds that child predators do not protect kids from other child predators. Therefore, there is no way that any self-appointed pedo-expert could ever legitimately brand Simon Liberati to be a child predator, because he has always been one of the good guys in Eva Ionesco’s quest to bring her mother and all the other people who sexually exploited her during her childhood to justice.

Self-appointed pedo-experts need to stop preaching about their opponents and adversaries trying to normalize anything that falls outside their make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection, because these self-appointed pedo-experts are constantly seeking to normalize prison rape and vigilante violence; and these self-appointed pedo-experts even encourage such horrendous forms of evil. In fact, self-appointed pedo-experts appear to love prison rapists. I always find myself asking them how much they would love prison rapists if Fleece Johnson or LaMark Moore were to sexually victimize them or one of their loved ones. These self-appointed pedo-experts even condone human trafficking that goes on behind bars throughout our nation. These self-appointed pedo-experts demonstrate how mentally unhinged they are by going as far as attempting to make notorious prison rapists like Fleece Johnson a part of American pop culture. As much as it pains me to make this statement, self-appointed pedo-experts are becoming more dangerous to society than even child predators themselves; and that is a very frightening thought and fact for Americans to process.

C.  Self-Appointed Pedo-Experts Are Gradually Taking Over YouTube

YouTuber Cartier Tea posted a video on YouTube concerning the to-do that was initially made in the summer of 2018 over Ariadna Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian Gurrusquieta. Unlike other YouTube videos that only show one side of the issue, this video shows both the pros and the cons regarding the dating relationship between the 18-year-old female YouTuber and the 13-year-old boy. Here is the video below for your review.

Ariadna Juarez’s Relationship With Damian Gurrusquieta Sparked Much Controversy Over Social Media

In this same video, an unknown commentator, who sounds very amateurish, I might add, shows her stupidity by implying that the criminal laws in our nation should treat a suspect as guilty until proven innocent. Such a notion is a recipe for a Fascist totalitarian police state. This same unknown commentator sounds as though she could be YouTuber Tea By Ali, but don’t hold me to it.

I will not comment too much about YouTuber Tea By Ali’s video regarding Ms. Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian, because, similarly to the statements of other self-appointed pedo-experts, the contents of her video are entirely speculative and offer no real basis of fact for her to make the kind of derogatory remarks she does about Ms. Juarez that are slanderous at best. YouTuber Tea By Ali filled her video up with mostly suppositions, conjectures, and the kind of offensive language that most self-appointed pedo-experts would do. She even gives YouTuber Ready To Glare an honorable mention, which comes to me as no surprise. She makes it a point that if an 18-year-old young man were dating a 13-year-old girl, everyone would be out to get him locked up and would be talking about cutting off his testicles. Hmmmm. Why doesn’t anyone ever make that comment about Corey Feldman for dating a 14-year-old girl (Drew Barrymore) when he was 18 years old? I dare YouTuber Tea By Ali to make a video like that about Corey Feldman, because I know that she doesn’t have the courage to do so. She doesn’t want her fellow self-appointed pedo-experts to turn on her and gang up on her, because most of them look up to Corey Feldman as though he were the Messiah. If you wish to search for her video on YouTube, be my guest; but I have not embedded it herein, because I do not wish to give this YouTuber a platform here on Hive Blog.

Nevertheless, what I do find so interesting about YouTuber Tea By Ali’s video is that she does bring up Perez Hilton’s viewpoint on Ariadna Juarez’s dating relationship with Damian Gurrusquieta. I’m not saying so in a sense that reflects positively on YouTuber Tea By Ali or Mr. Hilton, and I will be responding to Mr. Hilton’s video regarding Ms. Juarez further on herein. YouTuber Tea By Ali injects the usual description of the love fest that other self-appointed pedo-experts like her had with one another over this matter. That is, in her video, she only displayed posted comments from people who agreed with her rather than anyone who may have questioned her logic or lack thereof. At the end of the day, it is not as though Ms. Juarez grabbed a toddler off of a playground and committed unspeakable acts against it. However, YouTube Tea By Ali attempts to fool her audience into believing so.

Although Ms. Juarez no longer has the video posted on YouTube that she did with Damian’s mother to set the record straight with the court of public opinion regarding her 2018 dating arrangement with Damian, I was able to locate a video on YouTube that had most of the contents of that same video by Ms. Juarez. YouTuber Sanders Kennedy luckily was able to salvage a copy of most of Ms. Juarez’s video. That is the good news. Here is the bad news. YouTuber Sanders Kennedy’s video containing most of Ms. Juarez’s video can be found directly below, and he is not at all impartial in his opinion of Ms. Juarez. Brace yourselves to listen to all his malarkey and pedophile-panic propaganda as he chimes in at different parts of Ms. Juarez’s video and does nothing to hide the fact that he too is a self-appointed pedo-expert who thrives off of the collective, unjust character assassination of a teenage girl.

YouTuber Sanders Kennedy Gives His Opinion About Ariadna Juarez’s Dating Arrangement With Damian Gurrusquieta

I’m sure that most of you have heard of the comedy sitcom The Addams Family that was a big hit back in the 1960s and has been remade again and again in the form of movies and television shows. Well, there was this one character named Cousin Itt in that sitcom. He has also been credited as “Cousin It” through the years that that sitcom and storyline have appeared on both television screens and even movie screens throughout the world. However, for the purpose of this article of mine, I will refer to him as Cousin Itt. Anyhow, you could never see his face, because it was covered with hair; and usually he wore sunglasses. He was shorter than most of the members of the Addams family. I guess you could say that he was sort of a parody of the counterculture that was popular during the 1960s. He spoke gibberish that only his relatives could understand. Well, YouTuber Sanders Kennedy reminds me of Cousin Itt, because what he says in his video is like gibberish that only other self-appointed pedo-experts like him can understand and appreciate. Most intelligent people would discount his rhetoric as pedophile-panic propaganda that has no foundation of fact. He is like a predatory and unscrupulous tabloid news reporter looking to dig up dirt on anyone in the spotlight even where there is none.

I will not comment too much about YouTuber Sanders Kennedy’s video regarding Ms. Juarez inasmuch as he injects in it the usual clichés that self-appointed pedo-experts want to hear in his video. However, I will make this one comment about him. He proves himself to be the biggest imbecile in the entire universe ever upon insisting that there is no difference between DATING and GROOMING in light of Ms. Juarez’s and Damian’s age difference. Upon hearing his mouth run 1000 miles a minute and his saying really nothing worth listening to, I begin to understand exactly how Simon Cowell of American Idol must feel every time he has to suffer through an audition of some conceited 19-year-old gigabyte geek doing a cover of Madonna’s song “Like A Virgin” and singing off key. I know that my description of YouTuber Sanders Kennedy is harsh, but facts are facts; and he isn’t exactly a goody two-shoes himself in that he slanders Ms. Juarez in front of a camera.

No, YouTuber Sanders Kennedy! You are wrong! There is a major difference between dating and grooming, even when one person is 18 years old and the other one is 13 years old. Before you can even begin to accuse someone of grooming another individual, that person who is suspected of grooming another individual must have dishonorable intentions. Moreover, you are not a mental-health professional. Therefore, you are not qualified to draw such a conclusion. Dating is merely a social interaction between a male and a female on a one-on-one basis, or between two people of the same gender if they’re both gay. Even Elliot Rodger has to be laughing at your school of thought all the way from the grave. YouTuber Sanders Kennedy? You’ve proven nothing about Damian’s conduct with Ms. Juarez other than that he is a typical teenage boy with adolescent hormones pumping all throughout his body at an accelerated rate. You have not provided evidence to any kind of crime!

YouTuber Sanders Kennedy talks like someone who has lived a sheltered life and who continues to exist within his white-picket-fence fantasy world similarly to YouTuber Ready To Glare and YouTuber Tea By Ali. He is definitely a busybody with too much time on his hands. When he made ten different telephone calls to the authorities to lodge a complaint against Ms. Juarez, most of the people who took his telephone calls probably thought that he was some kind of head case who hadn’t gotten over a girl standing him up at his seventh grade dance years ago. I’m surprised that even one person out of those ten telephone calls that he made actually took him seriously.

For those of you who are reading one of my Hive-Blog articles here for the very first time, let me set the record straight about a false accusation that YouTuber Sanders Kennedy and other self-appointed pedo-experts on YouTube like him continue to make against Ms. Juarez of being a pedophile. First of all, Ms. Juarez falls very short of the qualifications to be a pedophile. Unless the American Psychiatric Association made some kind of modification to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (“DSM-5”) that I am unaware of, that same publication sets forth that someone in their late teens (17 to 19 years old) who is sexually attracted to a 12- or 13-year-old person cannot be a pedophile. According to the DSM-5, a pedophile is someone 16 years old or older who is sexually attracted to a prepubescent child five or more years their junior (generally 13 years old or younger). However, if someone 16 years old or older is sexually attracted to an adolescent between 11 and 14 years old who is beyond Tanner Stage 1, then that individual is not a pedophile despite that the person to whom they are attracted is five or more years their junior. Therefore, Ms. Juarez doesn’t even come close to being a pedophile.

YouTuber Sanders Kennedy keeps making a point throughout his video that Ms. Juarez’s YouTube channel was taken down. However, he cannot be accurate, because she still has a YouTube channel. That is, unless she had a different YouTube channel that was taken down. Ms. Juarez does not creep me out in the least. However, YouTuber Sanders Kennedy does creep me out inasmuch as he describes the 2018 scenario between Ms. Juarez and Damian Gurrusquieta as though a 7-year-old child were being accosted by someone fifty years his or her senior. He makes no sense at all in his speech about how he believes that Ms. Juarez is a sex fiend of some kind, and he gave me the impression of being someone certifiable. He’s undoubtedly a troublemaker, and people need to be careful when they are in his presence, even online.

Intelligent people like me and many of you Hiveans, Hivians, and Hivers can laugh at someone like YouTuber Sanders Kennedy. However, we should not let our guards down with him or with other self-appointed pedo-experts, because, unfortunately, the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, actually caters to idiots like him. Texas Governor Abbott has a reputation of being fanatical on issues encompassing the statutory-age-of-consent laws in his state, and YouTuber Sanders Kennedy could have actually done an extensive amount of damage to Ariadna Juarez and Damian Gurrusquieta as well as their families if the authorities had actually taken his accusations against Ms. Juarez at face value. YouTuber Sanders Kennedy’s conversation with one of the people he spoke with upon making ten different telephone calls to the authorities in his quest to ruin Ms. Juarez’s life actually grabbed the interest of that same person who took his telephone call, and there was a police investigation launched against Ms. Juarez. However, the authorities found nothing on her, because there was likely nothing to find on her. It was an unfounded witch hunt. In any event, if Governor Abbott had not been elected to office there in Texas, probably even that one person who decided to launch an investigation against Ms. Juarez at YouTuber Sanders Kennedy’s request would have disregarded YouTuber Sanders Kennedy’s complaint as the ravings of some demented busybody.

Let’s not forget that Texas Governor Abbott was one of the first governors in our nation to ratify a law that made it more difficult for 16- and 17-year-old minors to get married and made the institution of marriage legally unattainable to adolescents 15 years of age and younger in his state back in 2016. Texas Governor Abbott is not someone I would ever vote for if he were ever to run for president of our nation or if he were ever to run for any office in the state jurisdiction where I currently reside.

Now, I know what some of you are going to ask me. What about the pictures that YouTuber Sanders Kennedy claimed he found on the Internet and what about the picture of Ms. Juarez allegedly sticking her tongue in Damian Gurrusquieta’s mouth? Well, this is what I have to say about it to YouTuber Sanders Kennedy if I were to come face to face with him. Would YouTuber Sanders Kennedy be willing to make a video about Corey Feldman and make all the same accusations against him that he has against Ms. Juarez? Corey Feldman had a sizzling romance with Drew Barrymore back in 1989 when he was 18 years old and Ms. Barrymore was only 14 years old. Corey Feldman was no goody two-shoes either back then. Therefore, if he didn’t do all the things that YouTuber Sanders Kennedy accused Ms. Juarez of doing, then there is no getting around the probability that he at least had attempted to do all of those same things to Drew Barrymore when she was in her early teens. The only setback that Corey Feldman would have had in trying to have sexual intercourse with Drew Barrymore back when she was 14 years old would have been that Ms. Barrymore was unwilling to submit to his sexual advances.

Of course, YouTuber Sanders Kennedy does not have the bravery to make such a video about Corey Feldman, because all of his fellow self-appointed pedo-experts believe that Corey Feldman is somehow the leader and the mastermind of the movement and war against “Hollywood pedophilia,” so to speak. They worship Corey Feldman as though he is some kind of sun god. It is though he somehow gets a free pass on any kind of illegal sexual activity that he may have had with Drew Barrymore or may have attempted to have with her back when she was 14 years old and he was 18 years old (a legal adult).

YouTuber Sanders Kennedy and his colleagues all seem to hold the same opinion that it was wrong for Ms. Juarez even to date Damian Gurrusquieta while he was 13 years old despite that their dating relationship was celibate, inasmuch as he was a minor in his early teens. However, if that is the standard to which YouTuber Sanders Kennedy wants to hold himself and others, then he and all his fellow self-appointed pedo-experts should not get to make Corey Feldman the one and only exception to the rule, whatever that rule may be. For that matter, perhaps YouTuber Sanders Kennedy and his colleagues could possibly suggest that Ms. Juarez applies to become the next president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children so that they will have to give her the same exemption from all the unfounded accusations of grooming and inappropriate behavior with a minor that he and his colleagues have shoved down her throat. Oh, wait a minute! John Walsh was one of the co-founders of that organization, and he dated a 16-year-old girl when he was 22 years old; and that girl is now his wife.

It is incredible how these self-appointed pedo-experts adhere to their own set of double standards and have the nerve to misrepresent those double standards as actual ethics and morals, when their moral compasses are as fake as a three dollar bill. In any event, what was acceptable for Corey Feldman back in 1989 cannot be unacceptable for Ms. Juarez in 2018 or here in 2019. Because self-appointed pedo-experts like YouTuber Sanders Kennedy apparently don’t believe that Corey Feldman ever groomed Drew Barrymore when she was 14 years old and Mr. Feldman was 18 years old, then they have no right to accuse Ms. Juarez of having groomed Damian Gurrusquieta when he was 13 years old.

One really interesting piece of information that YouTuber Sanders Kennedy did bring up in his video was that Ariadna Juarez made some kind of reference to the LGBT community in the video that she did with Damian’s mother. Upon seeing Ms. Juarez’s video in its entirety a while back, I do vaguely remember that she did complain about a gay person badmouthing her and trying to demonize her dating relationship with Damian Gurrusquieta; and she said something to the effect that he ought to know how it felt to be wrongfully ostracized because of his sexual orientation. I believe that she was referring to Perez Hilton in that he posted a video about her and Damian a year ago, but don’t hold me to it.

[Article Continued In Part 2]

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