Ork Fight! - Turn 13

Orright youse Orks... which ever Ork gets da STEEM and gets it to me gets ta be in my Nob Mob. Youse'll get da most teef and da biggest gunz. On ya marks, get set, STOMP!

Welcome to the thirteen turn of Ork Fight!

Welcome welcome to our new game. New players are allowed to join at any time, just drop a comment below.

Last turn recap

It's still anyone's game. @hawk399 has played the smart game, has the STEEM and is so close to Zone 4... but he's only on one wound and everyone has crowded around him! @simplegame killed the NPC with the STEEM, @fabiyamada and @dksart took shots at it. @pbock hit @hawk399 and @pandorasbox hit him. @happyme, @justatouchfey and @lordnigel are still racing to get back into the action (this will be less of a thing for next game).

It might all come down to this turn and who goes first. Good luck!


The full list of rules can be found here.. but the abridged version is:

  • Move 5 squares or less.
  • You can then shoot 6 squares in a straight line (wound on a 5+ using @rollthedice) or attack in melee (must be adjacent using @attackdice).
  • NPCs have one wound.
  • If you die, the GM will roll to see which zone you start back in.

Player Status

Game board for Ork Fight!

Click on the map for a bigger version

Thanks so much for playing!

All images on this page have been created by @daclawboyz for Ork Fight.


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