Let's get Steemy-my first steemit post :)

Hey there Steemers-I’m excited to start sharing my life (but mostly the beauty of the world…and Dog Tom’s life) with y’all!

I remember the first time I started a blog when I was a freshly turned 21 year old nugget traveling Europe for 9 months. I was much more dedicated to the bar hopping, hostel friends and site seeing than I was to my blog though (and not knowing the world of iphones yet, my computer time existed via large old school desktops at hostels with very long lines of fellow travelers). But, I’m rooting for myself this time, and I guess having a full time job keeps me in one place a bit longer than my traveling life did 5 years ago.

Some basic info on who I am may be helpful, especially for when you’re trying to describe my incredible blog to your friends later! ☺ My name is Trina and I’m originally from Chicago. I moved to Minnesota for my undergrad and received a BA in English/Creative Writing and Scandinavian Studies, then onto Arizona for a Master’s in Counseling and Student Affairs. Just under a year ago, I moved to Maine for my first professional position in higher education, which is where I currently live. Why Maine? The east coast was the one region in the US that I really had no experience/knowledge of and decided to just throw myself into it. Anything new is my favorite-so here we are in Maine! And hot damn, New England, I’ve never seen a fall foliage like yours! I adopted the best pup in the world about a year ago and we’ve been obsessed with each other since. I drink more coffee than is probably healthy for one human and wish winter would last forever! I love reading, and knitting and am still working on mastering the multitasking of them-also, nonfiction is my favorite. I’m 26 years old, love rainbow sprinkles on my ice cream, anything Thor related and firmly believe that informing my current employer that I was a One Direction fan in my on-campus interview is at least ½ the reason I got the job.

If that wasn’t enticing enough for you, these are the other main topics in my life that I’ll be sending your way:
1.) Norway, my time living/studying there and my massively fantastic Norsk family
2.) Traveling (especially the beautiful places I’ve been visiting in New England)
3.) My Viking dog, Tom- Adopted at 9 ½ years old and only exudes greatness
4.) Beer and wine, wine and beer
5.) Other currently unidentified topics that may happen to pop up in life (ex: when One Direction broke up and the world took it upon themselves to upload millions of videos of themselves crying over it, a topic that clearly lacked the blogging coverage it deserved)

Let’s do this, Steemit!

Tom and his first pumpkin patch!

New England beauty

Also, if you’re looking for someone to thank for introducing me to this steem-tastic world, that would be my lovely Norsk tremenning (2nd cousin), Susanne. So let’s give her the credit (or anger, whichever you prefer) she deserves- @Susanne.

Cheers to this new adventure!

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