Electronic tattoos for medical purposes?

Very far from the subject of fashion and personal style but if entering the branch of this beautiful art comes a new tool to help you exclusively with your health, The so-called electronic tattoos are an invention of "Chaotic Moon" A technology company dedicated to the software, mobile development and designs. It provides medical and sports data of its carrier in real time. Once this tattoo is printed on the skin, it provides medical information about the carrier and can be used both for the prevention of diseases and for the control of vital signs during the practice of sport.

source: https://www.geek.com/chips/temporary-tech-tattoos-could-monitor-your-health-pay-for-your-coffee-1640423/

Unlike traditional tattoos already known this does not produce any pain to be embodied on your skin as it replaces the usual machine with needles to inject the ink into your skin by a special electroconductive ink that is plastered on your skin by a special applicator or also by means of a predesigned transferable patch.

This is complemented with a microcontroller and micro LEDs that form a custom electronic circuit appearance to suit the user. Once placed on the skin it will begin to collect data of the vital signs of its carrier. Such as what can be the level of mental stress, heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure, These will be transferred inalabrica to your smartphone through an application designed by the same company.

Source: https://hoyentec.com/tecnologia/te-gustaria-tatuaje-electronico-lo-nuevo-wearables/

The company has talked about improving its technology to expand its objectives and that it can work for even the geolocation of users and the control of chronic diseases that require permanent control of vital signs. It is planned that over time the user can acquire their "Tech Tat" Personalized and preconfigured with the functions of preference, to then apply oneself on the skin without any pain or run any risk for skin reactions or allergies.

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