The media is grooming future criminals.


Communication means have evolved over the past century. In Africa, town criers were once used to convey messages, which later transitioned to newspapers. Today, newspapers serve as a reliable source of information for people to keep abreast of their society's happenings and for leaders to communicate with their constituents. We know that this has evolved over the years, and social media is now a big thing. The media is full of fake news and real news, and now we can't even distinguish between real and fake news. This is already affecting the generation of children that we are growing and also affecting us.

News circulating on the Internet is often misleading. It is alarming to know that 50% of the news is fake, and it is concerning that these fake news items often trend. Newscasters use sensationalist headlines to get more clicks and generate revenue, even if it means publishing fake news or spreading negativity. Many individuals don't bother to verify the legality of their statements before expressing them, which becomes evident when engaging in arguments. Often, they rely on misinformation from social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Unfortunately, this fake news can be detrimental, leading to a distorted perception of their nation.

In some countries, coping with misinformation is possible. However, in Nigeria, the constant dispute between the three major tribes has created an atmosphere of uncertainty. There is a feeling that these tribes may eventually separate. This makes it even more important to verify the sources of information. The issue of misinformation not only threatens the unity of our country but also has the potential to create future psychopaths.

The media's impact on Nigeria's future is concerning, as many young people seem to focus on the negative aspects rather than using it to create a better nation. Instead of using media as a tool for building up the country, it's being used to exploit its weaknesses.

A few weeks ago, I had a chat with a corp member from NSYC who is from the North. He mentioned an alarming trend where children are now joining bandits or aspiring to become a bandit. these young kids want to join the bandit not because of any ideological reasons, but purely for financial gain. The amount of ransom demand, fueled by social media, to make money illegally has corrupted most of these children's minds. This trend has resulted in many children dropping out of school to pursue a life of crime.

I had a conversation with high school students about their future goals. During our discussion, he mentioned wanting to become a politician and embezzle millions of dollars. I was curious and asked him where he got that idea. He explained that his father often listens to the news, which is always full of stories about people embezzling money. His father always comments that the government does nothing about it, which inspired him to pursue a career in politics and engage in similar activities.

The media is already grooming future criminals and they must be regulated.

most portion of the information presented may not be accurate. While many of the reported cases of embezzlement are still allegations, the media often sensationalizes the news to increase clicks and generate interest. This can lead to misleading headlines and stories that may be interpreted differently by the audience, including teenagers.

Many young people today are being influenced by fake news and allegations on the internet, leading them to consider embezzlement or other illegal activities. To combat this problem, I believe there should be regulations in place to reduce the plurality of fake news. The spread of false information not only damages our country's unity but also corrupts the minds of our youth, diverting their attention away from constructive efforts to improve the future. To prevent baseless allegations from being broadcast, it is important to keep them from being reported by major media outlets until the facts have been established.

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