Neem tree of the disease!

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neem is a very familiar tree. It is also known as the epitome of all diseases. As a medicinal plant, its pulses, leaves and juice are all useful. Neem is a multi-year old and evergreen tree. Nowadays, cosmetics are also being made from the leaf of Nim. Neem juice is very effective as a worm.

Today the special benefits and qualities of the neem tree are discussed-

1. Release from malaria:

Malaria is mild to use nimite extract. Same type of fruit or alcohol mixed nicotine extract is similar. Stress and anxiety: A small amount of neem leaf extract reduces mental stress and mental discomfort.

2. Ulcer:

Nipple extract and nem seed extract from nipple extract; Papatic and deodenal ulcer have been relieved, jaundice: mixed with a little juice of 25-30 drops of neem leaves, and in the early stomach, the jaundice is cured, spring: When the nipple leaves are mixed with raw halves, Goes dry.

3. Diabetic disease:

1 tablespoon of nem leaf juice every morning for 3 months of empty stomach, diabetes is cured. Diabetes is good if you take 10 nip leaf leaves or chew them every morning. Reducing the tendency to take 30-70% insulin intake of neem leaf juice.

4. Release from AIDS:

The extracted aroma from the bark of the neem tree can kill the AIDS virus. Aid is relieved if you drink neem leaf extract or thick leaves or nip leaf tea.

5. Eye pain:

Neem leaves slightly dry Ginger and Saundhwa salt together with a slightly warm cloth and lighten the eyes and cover the eyes, and the pain and pain can be restored.

6. Cancer:

Neem oil, bark and leaf extract, cancerous tumor, skin cancer, etc. are better.

7. Heart disease:

Neem leaf extract is beneficial in cardiovascular disease. Neem extract reduces blood pressure and cholesterol. Reduce blood, reduce heartbeat.

8. Worms destroyer:

3-4gram neem bark powder is saved in the empty stomach in the morning along with a small amount of sindhob salt and protects against worms. Regularly go for a week to enjoy. Children will have to take 1-2 grams of water.

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9. Dental care:

Tooth whitening is good with tiny nem branches. Nem powders with tooth whitening teeth and potholes are good. Due to the removal of nem leaf extract in the water or gently washing the face gently, the pain of the toothache, tooth decay, bleeding and to reduce grief.

10. Acne:

Crush the neem leaf and mix it with honey and then plasten the acne.

11. Nightclub:

neem flower is fried and fried.

12. Lukas:

Neem flower loses the necklace.

13. Headache:

Neem oil reduces headaches.

14. Vomiting If the vomiting is done, then the juice of neem leaves 5-6 drops of milk will be relieved.

15. If you use 7-10 days

in the form of plaque in the infected area with a little raw yellow peas with scabbing and old wound neem leaves, it is beneficial to treat scabies and old wounds. The wound is healing very quickly when the ghee is watered in the leaf.

16. Neem tea:

dry nem leaf powder or 6-7 leaves of fresh neem leaves in hot water and can be made by mixing honey with a mixture of 2/3 minutes. But the time limit for newers is 1 minute. The more energy you get, the more it will be.



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