Wheat farming...

Hello Friends I'm going to tell about the wheat farming, I hope you will like and you will vote for me.

.* Wheat farming. 🎄🎄

*Presentation of Wheat:-

Wheat is the fundamental grain edit and predominantly a rabi (winter) season trim in India. Indian wheat is to a great extent a medium protein,soft/medium hard, and white bread wheat. The real increment in the profitability of wheat has been seen in the conditions of Haryana,,Punjab, and UP. Higher zone scope is accounted for from Madhya Pradesh as of late.

*Medical advantages of Wheat:-

A portion of the medical advantages of entire wheat are as per the following.

Wheat has high wellspring of protein.

Wheat has great wellspring of fiber.

Wheat is a decent wellspring of manganese, and magnesium in its foul state.

*oes wheat edit endure icy?
Truly, wheat can endure serious chilly and snow and resume development with the setting in of warm climate in spring season .It can be developed from ocean level to as high as 3300 m. Wheat development is appropriate with, sodden and cool climate amid the real piece of the wheat developing period took after by warm, dry climate to influence the wheat to grain to age legitimately.
At what temperature is useful for Wheat seed germination? The perfect temperature run for perfect germination of wheat seed is 20C to 25C however the seeds can develop in the temperature run 3.5C to 35C.

*What zones are not suited for Wheat development?
Wheat development does not suit for warm and sodden climatic zones. Amid the heading and blooming stages, too much low or high temperatures and dry spell are hurtful to wheat.

*Soil prerequisite in Wheat Farming:- Wheat is developed in extensive variety of soils in India. Soils with a loamy surface or dirt topsoil, and direct water holding limit are best for wheat development. Soil ought to be impartial in its response. Wheat touchy to water logging, so substantial soils having great waste are most appropriate for wheat cultivating. Wheat can likewise be effectively developed on lighter soils by giving legitimate water system and required supplements.
Field arrangement in Wheat Farming:- To set up an all around pounded seed bed,1 profound furrowing took after by 2 or 3 frightening with plate or tines and 2 or 3 planking ought to be given. To shield your wheat seedling from gujhia weevil and white ants blend aldrin 5% tidy in soil at 25 kg/ha finally furrowing time. 35 to 40 kg urea/ha Should be given to enhance Wheat seed germination.

*Soil treatment in Wheat cultivating:-
Azatobacter 2.5 kg + Phosphetica culture 2.5 kg + trycoderma powder 2.5 kg blend with 100 to 125 kg Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and communicate at the season of last furrowing.

*Seed rate and its treatment in Wheat cultivating:-
Seed rate in wheat cultivating as takes after:
100 kg/ha – For ordinary condition.
120 kg/ha – For coarse size grain.
125 kg/ha – For late sowing.
5 kg carbendazim or 2.5 kg thiram or 5 gram trycoderma spore at 1 kg seed.
Sowing time for Wheat cultivating:- Best sowing time for wheat manor is from November to December. There might be slight variety for every locale. To decrease misfortune caused by late sowing, One Should absorb seeds water overnight before sowing, nearer spacing,using higher seed rate, shallow sowing (2 cm to 3 cm) and spreading slim covering of Farm Yard Manure not long after in the wake of sowing.
Dividing between plants Wheat cultivating:- Row to push dispersing ought to be 23 to 24 cm. The late sowing wheat ought to be sown in columns divided 15 cm to 18 cm.

*Water system in Wheat farming:–
first water system ought to be given at 3 to a month in the wake of sowing.
second water system ought to be at 40 to 45 day in the wake of sowing.
third water system at 60 to 65 day in the wake of sowing.
fourth water system at 80 to 85 day in the wake of sowing.
fifth water system at 100 to 105 day in the wake of sowing.
sixth water system at 15 to 120 day after so

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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