Curious Sights from a Walk in the Afternoon - Photo Collection

I went for a walk around my neighborhood one afternoon and these are some of the pretty sights I passed through.
My favorite one is at the end of this post.

The sun was bright when I started out. I passed through the park near our compound. The shade was already so inviting that I went and sat down on the grass. I just sat there for a while enjoying the expanse of green and occasional scuttling of playful squirrels.

I would have just sat there the whole time if the sun hadn't got clouded. Without the sun, the park was looking sort of dark and eerie.

I got up and started walking.. I passed the barbecue area which was looking pretty desolate with no one around..

After getting out of the park, I passed many pretty lanes.. I was wondering why no-one was out and about..except for the sun playing peek-a-boo with the clouds..

I turned a corner and came to this beautiful bush covered in its fruit...

I saw a clump of tall trees a little farther away with a bench in the middle of it.. Always a sucker for tall trees, I walked over.

An hour at least had passed by then and I started my way back.

It was then I saw it, in front a house - the best thing I came across - a cute little lending library.
It was an amazing concept of sharing and spreading knowledge.
lending lib.jpg

I opened the little door, feeling excited like a child getting a christmas present.
It had a great selection of books from different genres.
I definitely am going back there to leave some of my books and lend some.

Thank you for reading!

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