RE: RE: Global warming is real (clear images)
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RE: Global warming is real (clear images)

RE: Global warming is real (clear images)

Your looking at thru the lens of a person who lives a very short life. these cycles come and go for millions of years . This was a rich man's scam for uneducated masses , Its called "Problem, Reaction ,Solution" like sinking your own ship " The Gulf of Tonkin" then invading Vietnam or WMD after a suspect event " 911" where you were running drills for a "Suspect event " Or a war on Drugs while the CIA imports all the drugs. I could go on for ever.

This was a BANKING Fraud design to pick up the tab on 800 trillion dollars floating in Toxic derivatives who too the banking system down and made them print trillions and give those trillions to the same bankers who gambled the money to start with and add a nice bonus for wrecking the entire Ponzi scheme they have create from thin air and have defrauded for decades .

These Global warming Tax carbon swaps are nothing more then a clever way of fleecing the globe in one shot. Why so greedy you ask? Well because the entire worlds saving and GDP wont cover half of the money they have stolen or half of the IOU they have floating in Toxic Paper. Paper backs by ? NOTHING !! Useless paper back by nothing . This is the BIGGEST SHIT STORM in history.

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