Global warming is real (clear images)

Below I show my selection of some of the most impressive photos showing the disappointing panorama with a before and after - moving in a range between 5 and 100 years.

  • Lago Oroville, California. Julio, 2010 - Agosto, 2016:

  • Mar de Aral, Asia Central. Agosto, 2000 – Agosto, 2014:

  • Lago Powell Lake, Arizona y Utah. Marzo, 1999 – Mayo, 2014:

  • Selva de Rondonia, Brasil. Junio, 1975 – Agosto, 2009:

  • Glaciar McCarty, Alaska. Julio, 1909 – Agosto, 2004:

  • Monte Cervino en los Alpes, frontera entre Suiza e Italia. Agosto, 1960 – Agosto, 2005:

  • Glaciar Muir, Alaska. Agosto, 1941 - Agosto, 2004:

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More images can be viewed in an exclusive section of the official NASA website

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