The Healing plant #WATER LEAF

Healing Powers of Waterleaf
Waterleaf, (Talinum triangulare), is one of
those underrated and undervalued plants in
Nigeria and West Africa. Some even regard waterleaf as a nuisance, a stubborn weed that grows all year, though it flourished more during the rainy season.
In many scientific studies and trails, waterleaf showed that it can inhibit proliferation of cancerous cells and shrink tumours. Other studies have been focused on its cerebral-protective potential and it indicates that consumption of waterleaf enhances brain activities and protect brain tissues.
Waterleaf is also a good remedy for insomnia
(sleeping disorder). Water leaf contains more proteins than cashew nuts, more pectin (a food fiber that helps digestion) than apples, and also have high level of vitamin B, essential amino acids, omega3-fatty acids, resins, iron, calcium,
copper, lead, manganese and zinc. It is also a
rich source of carotenoids, vitamin C, A,
thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, alpha and beta
The pounded waterleaf is applied to soothe
inflammations. An infusion of the leaves is
taken as a diuretic. For prostate enlargement,
the roots are boiled. The dosage is half a
glass twice daily. Waterleaf is good and safe
for pregnant women and growing children, as
it boosts their blood levels. Eating waterleaf
regularly as soup helps to regulate hypertension and diabetes.
While waterleaf is very beneficial when it is
taken as vegetable, dried herbs and infusion.
However , juicing is the way to go if you want
the best out of waterleaf. What is juicing?
Juicing is a process whereby you extract vitamins, minerals and liquids from fruits and
To juice waterleaf, simply chop waterleaf,
both stem and leaves, into pieces, in the same
way as you do if you want to cook it. Then put two or three handfuls in the blender add one liter of water. Blend in same way as you blend your tomato or fruit. Sieve out the chaff and you will be left with a dark green liquid, packed with vitamins and minerals.
Ensure you drink and finish the whole drink
within 10 minutes.
Do you feel tired and weak every time?
Are you battling with diabetes, hypertension
and arthritis?
Are you prone to frequent bouts of malaria?
Have you been diagnosed with cancer or you
want to prevent it?
You want a glowing and youthful skin?
I strongly recommend you take waterleaf juice
twice a week. A trial will convince you.
Courtesy: New telegraph online
In addition, waterleaf is one of the best
medicine against MEASLES in children. Pound
a handful and add warm water. Strain and use
as enema (pump) every morning for about a
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