LIVING PLASTIC FREE or how to run half an hour after a bread

6 weeks ago i took the decision to cut down my plastic completely. I was using very little anyway, but then I just woke up one morning and I said "that's it! From now one I will start an experiment of trying out 1 week without plastic. You can read more about it in the links from above.


The first week helped me become more aware of the changes I need to make in order to make it happen. Second week it was even more difficult, as I literally NEEDED things that came in plastic - like glue, batteries, disinfecting alcohol, etc. By the end of third week I got used to the difficulties. And eventually, I have written here the conclusions that I have reached after 1 month. In 2 lines, it is more expensive, time consuming and impossible for an ordinary person to live ecological and it feels like renouncing many thing an going back to The Middle Ages.

With all the difficulties and frustration, I still am here - in my plastic free life. Although it is hard for me, I am still doing this huge effort not to pollute even more the environment that already is.

Today I want to share here my shopping mission. Although I live in an eco village, I am not in that point of my life to be auto sufficient, not even close to there, so I still need to go town for my food.

I needed a bread. A good one. Not the white fluffy thing that has no nutrients in eat. A real healthy one. So I went for it. In the first ecological shop, there it was, but it came in plastic! So I ran to the biggest from here, but there it was - handmade ecological local one. In a plastic bag! And so I went to different shops running with a child in my arms to save the planet. Until I found one bakery still open who gave me a paper bag! It is not easy. Not at all. Today I felt like cursing the Gods for all of there. Running with the shoppings and carrying a 12 kilo child here and there in my impossible quest is not easy! It should get better! We shouldn't run in 10 different stores just to avoid a useless plastic bag! I am thinking to make a complain to the ecological shops not to wrap the bread in plastic anymore! I will actually next time when I am passing by.


Proudly I am writing here that in weeks I haven't bought any plastic bag!!!Not for rice, not for pasta, not for muesli, not for fruits or veggies or olives or anything.

Today was just another day from my hard, but fulfilling life since I choose to go to an another direction - the way of the truth and the good, but not the easy! But honestly, I don;t think I could ever go back to the consumerism way. I would rather kill myself then live in this superficial way again. Now that I now how much it is killing the planet every piece of plastic that we use, how could I consciously go back? I know we are all doing our best, or at least we try to. And I need to show people by example the way and not to start preaching them.

I will continue my plastic free life series here, as at least I can do to make me feel better.

a better world.jpg

You can make it happen also! Give it a shot! Try one week without plastic! I dare you! For yourself, for your children who will inherit this world and for Pacha Mama. Lots of love.

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