Out Of My Comfort Zone, Into The Hive – My Introduction

Hello, Hiveans! This is Maria finally stepping into your world.

It was way back in 2019 when my friend @ybanezkim26 first invited me to try the blockchain-based platform called Steemit. While the thought of monetizing my writeups was definitely enticing — at that time — I had to wave it off. I did not want anything that has to do with cryptocurrency or trading. Because, you see, numbers is just not my game.

Who Am I

I'm a copywriter by profession and a poet by passion. I currently work for a self-publishing company based here in Cebu to sustain my lifestyle. But in between day and night, I write poems to feed my soul.

Maria Reads

As a child, I grew up reading Enid Blyton bedtime stories from my cousin's hand-me-down books. I fell in love with Edgar Allan Poe's The Cask of Amontillado and Edward Lear's The Owl and the Pussy-cat in elementary. Coming from a public school in the province, with very limited sources, I took in any short stories and plays our textbooks could provide. This continued throughout my young adult life until I finally can afford to buy a book with my first paycheck.

My introduction to Poe in grade school and Grisham in college contributed to my love for mystery/crime/thriller genre. I scoured Booksale, a secondhand bookstore, for their novels. Little by little, I grew my own collection. I also evolved as a reader, finding myself digging into the classics, historical novels, dystopian fictions, and more. Eventually, this love for reading led me to writing.

Maria Writes

In 2015, high on quarter life crisis and existentialism, I revived my old WordPress blogsite DoodlesScribbles. At that time, I was feeling a lot of emotions at the same time that the world was too busy to notice. Being a listener by default also did not help with my dilemma. I was never a sharer, be it with my family or friends. So the INFP in me found comfort in writing — poetry, specifically.

I write because…
My words stumble whenever I speak
But find their way whenever I write.

This was my intro in that WordPress blog, which still remains true to this day. I find it easier to translate my thoughts into words and play around them in different forms. Most things I still keep to myself but there are some that I’d like to bare through my poems. I was a hopeless romantic, still is. Love will always be the soul of my poems; writing will always be my survival.

Maria Crafts

As I explored creative writing, I found myself dabbling into journaling. Unlike my childhood diaries, I have more resources now to get more crafts. To be more artistic. I am also finally able to integrate different mediums. Playing around with scraps brings me peace of mind.

Maria Travels

Who would have thought that the girl who used to travel in pages is now traveling in many places? Yes, the introvert in me has finally stepped outside the corners of my room.

It was thanks to my friend, Shiela, who initiated the invite. She took me to a Hike for Cause in Toledo which opened my eyes to the beauty of life, nature and people. One hike led to another and so here I am, exploring the mountains and seas of the Philippines.

While I have been blogging some of my escapades in WordPress, I've always wanted to separate it from my poems. They were, in the first place, written for myself only. The media storage space has recently be another challenge for me as I am almost at my 7GB limit.

That is why I am happy that I found my way here in Hive. Finally, a platform where I could freely share my travels and backpack ponderings. I am still a novice discovering my niche, so I hope to meet people here who share my passion for words and the world. Who would help me out with blockchain blogging and, yes, numbers.

I guess that's it for this customary introduction. Thank you for reading this far. I'm looking forward to interacting with you all. Go ahead and tell me about you too!

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